Chapter 14 Hope

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Saoirse's POV

"I told you not to go out there." My fathers voice echoed behind me. I kept my back to him. Normally I would never have disobeyed his rules, but this wasn't normally. It was war, things had changed and I certainly wasn't the same girl he thought he lost in the ashes.

"I had to." I replied after a moment of agonizing silence. I couldn't even look at him, the disgust was radiating from him. Did he see Harry? Did he know I was with him? My breath was shaky and I hated it. It made me sound weak and scared.

"Did you see him?" He didn't ask, he demanded for an answer. It didn't even feel like I had my father back. This felt like some demanding stranger that I'd never met before, the war had changed him more than me. He wasn't the same person who'd always said love was everything. No, this man was not my father.

"Does it matter? It's war. And no, I didn't." I emphasised every word, before brushing past him. It didn't matter if I saw him or not. There are more important things to focus on right now but he is too naïve to see that. As soon as the door to my room closed I leaned back on it releasing a sigh and soon after that a smile graced my lips. He kissed me. He really kissed me. My cheeks heated up just by the thought. He held my face gently pressing his lips to mine then deepening it to so much more. His mouth felt so good, as odd as it sounds. The way he knew exactly what to do, it made me relax and just go with it yet it was all so new to me. It came so naturally. Thinking about it made me want more. I wanted more than that kiss. I wanted him to kiss me, hold me, tou-..... I wanted him to touch me? I gasped at my own thoughts, brushing them off before I could think more of it but it was too late. The thought was stuck in my head. Did I really want him to touch me? In that way? The only thing I was certain of was that I wanted to see him again, soon. What if he would kiss me then?

"Pull yourself together, Saoirse." I told myself, pushing off the door. I sat down at my desk staring out of the window. The rain was still heavily falling. I just kept staring out into the dark, every now and then lightning would struck. That was until images of him appear in my head. Images of him kissing me, holding me........ touching me. Suddenly I was very hot and pulled the thick sweater over my head and threw it on my bed. This was surely a doing of the bond, I was sure of it. I'd never thought of such things in my life before. My gaze was stuck on the jumper on my bed - my bed. More thoughts were popping into my head and I couldn't control it. He was gradually making his way into my mind and probably had no intentions of leaving. I mentally slapped myself for continuing to think such things but still I couldn't help it. My breathing increased with every new image of him appearing in my head. It was like running water, thoughts and pictures spilling into my head. Did these things affect him? Did he feel this from the bond? God, never had I wished more that people could not read minds. If he could I'd be dead from embarrassment.

To distract me I decided to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom, stopping to examine myself in the mirror. My cheeks were a bit flushed, my eyes wild and alive, my skin glowing, I was practically radiating light. He did this to me. He made me feel this way. This good. Though, I was skinner than ever. Blood had quite regularly been on my menu and it's filling. I never felt like eating after he'd fed me. I really didn't eat much nowadays. The bones on my chest were prominent and so were my collar bones. I sighed at my reflection and undressed, deciding to let the water wash away some of my problems for just a little while.

Harry's POV

I felt the adrenaline from killing and my fingers itched for more. I shouldn't have done that, I should never have killed any of those people. It was what Saoirse had wanted to prevent. But who the fuck was she to stop me from killing? I am I vampire, it is what I do and who I am. She just a human with no purpose.

But she does have purpose. She desperately wants to make this shit hole of a world a little better. She lives for the moments that are good. She lives for the ones she love. I found her at the worst possible time. The time were she had no one left, I hope she didn't see me as some kind of hope. I'm not hope for her, I am everything but it. I bring myself to think such horrible things of her, I bring myself to believe them yet I don't. I don't regret kissing her, I don't regret taking her in, bonding with her, caring for her!

But I do.

And I don't.

She's an eclipse. She's rare, seen by everyone, unmissable, stunning yet brings unintentional darkness. She covers up the light looking at it herself. She wants every piece of hope left. She wants to believe that everything is okay, that we'll make it through the war, that people might live normally again but it won't happen. This war has probably been the biggest massacre the worlds ever seen. Millions have died. There is no hope left. And out of everyone I am certainly not the one to look for hope in. Helpless and hopeless. That is what our world is.

Or maybe she's not the eclipse, maybe she's the moon. Maybe she shines bright, beautiful, but hidden behind the darkness. She is everything and nothing.

I need to stop thinking about her because it is bringing me back to my poetic faze. Think about ripping those peoples head off, I think. Think about the small massacre you caused yourself. That girls little brother, who is probably worrying right now.

And what was Saoirse even doing in the capital with her dad? The capital won't be safe for much longer. The war is spreading so rapidly, everything is just fucked up. Why now? Couldn't vampires just have shut the fuck up? Yeah, hiding wasn't exactly fun but it was better than this. It was so much easier when all you had to do was seduce a girl and then feed and kill her. Now they know about us, they know that they need to be prepared.

I felt dizzy, I couldn't even run. The blood of the girl was practically sinking into my skin, I felt like I was drowning in it. There was quite a bit left until I was home but if this was how I was going to feel, I wouldn't make it much further until-

I stopped as I felt the girls blood come back up. There was a large puddle of blood in front of me and it disgusted me. This must've been how Saoirse felt. No blood is ever going to taste the same. I need her blood, I want it. Even though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I started making my way back to the capital.


Yeah it's short and a bit suckish but I really wanted to update! :) And what do you guys think of Midnight Memories? Do you have any favourite songs? So far mine are Strong, Happily, You and I, well I love all of them! :) Don't forget to vote, fan and comment!

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