Chapter 22 The Devil Herself

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Branches break as I'm not making the least effort to be quiet whilst racing throug the woods. Guilt bubbles inside me as I hurry to be next to Saoirse. I've been anxious all day to meet her here tonight. I know Zanita is suspicious though she shouldn't be. I've done the worst thing imaginable to Saoirse. I'm sure Zanita's happy now. Saoirse was opening up to me. After the incidents with her family members she'd finally started telling me her memories with them and I'd earned her trust.

I've blown it completely. Not only her trust for me but we're back to square one. The bond has shattered. The bond is back to square one, this means that she has more of a choice. A choice if she wants to forgive me or not. It's a lot easier for her not to forgive me now. I can't believe I slept with Zanita. How could the lust be stronger than a bond that was almost complete?

Getting close to the broken off road I noticed its emptiness. She wasn't there. Panic pumped through my veins as I walked further along the streets, looking in between houses. This is my fault. She knows something's happened or something's happened to her. I ran up to the dull house close to the capital walls and stared up at a boarded window. My heart clenched at the sight. As fast as I could, I climbed up the drain and ripped the boards off the window. I heard a gasp from inside the walls and continued to viciously rip the planks off. When I managed to get the last one off and stared into the dark room. A pair of teary, sad, hurt brown eyes found mine and she ran toward the window opening it. Before I had a chance to climb in she flung her arms around me, loud sobs escaping her mouth. With every shaking breath she took my heart sank lower in my chest. I stroked her hair gently hushing her, at the same time trying to climb inside the room. She was so relieved to see me. It warmed my heart and it lifted itself a bit further up. Just as I opened my mouth to address my happiness the bedroom door flew open.

"What in the name-?!" Her father stood at the door, with anger clear in his voice. He stormed in grabbing Saoirse from my arms.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" He screamed in my face. His anger didn't faze me as I yanked his hands off of her arms and pulled her back to me. My vampire instincts kicked in as thoughts of him being a witty human flooded my mind.

"You have infected her with vampirism and I know it! She'll never be the same." Saoirse's father tried desperately to intimidate me as I chuckled lightly at his attempt.

"I never changed." She spoke up, silencing him. She turned around standing in front of me as if she could be some sort of protection. "You're the one that changed."

"How dare you? I've given you everything. Food when you're hungry, a roof above your head, love!" You could almost hear Saoirse break as love left his mouth. Something in the room broke. None of us could probably figure out what it was but it made a noise in our bodies.

I could hear Saoirse's shaking intakes of air. She was speechless. What was she supposed to say? It was as if the whole world had stopped.

"Right now, what you need to give me, is freedom." She gently whispered, walking up to him bravely. Her fathers eyes softened as he watched the broken little girl in front him. He wrapped his skinny arms around her and comforted her.

"I'm sorry that I've been this way but you need to understand that vampirism has to be a part of my life right now. A bond is eternal, nothing can break it. And I know you hate this but it's my life and it's important that I do this. I'll save the lives of the people who would be unfortunate enough to come across a hungry vampire. It doesn't hurt me in the least. You have always taught me to give back and now I am doing so without anything being taken. And I love you, you're my father." Their embrace was long and needed. She was too caring of a person to have a fight with her father. They pulled away from each other, a satisfied smile gracing Saoirse's lips. As she stepped back to me there was a loud thud in the room and her father fell to the floor. An ear piercing scream left her mouth as she fell to the ground next to him. Sobs echoed in the room, but not for long.

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