
"Do you know the answer for number seven?"

"Yeah, it's-" Alex was cut off by screaming coming from behind us.

"Guys! Guys! Bianca! Alex! Guys!" Sam dragged out the last 'guys' and didn't stop until she was in front of us.

"Yes?" Alex asked, laughing slightly.

Sam was bent over trying to regain her breath and put up a hand, telling us to wait.

After a while of waiting, Sam stood straight and began to talk. "Youwillneverbelivewhatisaw!"

"Woah, slow down there, Samantha," I told her. She tended to talk fast when she was nervous.

She took another deep breath before stating again,"You'll never believe what I just saw!"

Before Alex or I could respond, Sam whipped out her phone and showed us a picture of a couple making out. "Um, Sam? Who's that?"

My heart dropped and I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. "That's Luke kissing a girl," I answered Alexandra's question.

"Not just any girl, though. That's Brittany," Sam continued, not noticing my discomfort.

"Oh, um, that's nice," Alex told Sam, though it came out more like a question.

"Hm, this wasn't the reaction I was expecting." Sam left out a puff of air, clearly disappointed.

"What were you expecting? For us to be jumping for joy," I said quietly, looking down at the ground.

"Well not exactly, but I was sort of expecting for you guys to be shocked or surprised or something!"

I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed with all this talk about Luke and Brittany. Sam seemed to notice something was up.

"Are you okay, Bianca?"

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I?"

Alex and Sam both gave me disapproving looks. "Bianca," Alexandra started sternly, "Sam and I have known you since we were little kids. You really think that we won't know when something is up?"

"It's just, ugh," I groaned. When I saw that picture of Brittany and Luke I felt jealous. I had been feeling weird about Luke for some time now, but when I felt the jealousy in the pit of my stomach, I knew that I had feelings for him.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you guys, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone."

They both stuck out their pinkies, intertwining them with my own.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, so I may or may not have feelings for Luke?" It came out as a question rather than a statement. They looked at me confusedly.

"I'll be honest with you guys. I don't know what I'm feeling, and you know me, I'm not good with sharing feelings so that makes things harder and-"

"Whoah, hold on there," Alex interrupted my small rant. "Let's start again. You have feelings for Luke?"

I thought it over for a second. I mean, it made sense. I always wanted to laugh at his jokes(even the lame ones), I instantly felt happier with him around, he made butterflies flutter in my stomach, I got aggravated at the thought of him and another girl. Plus, he was cute, sweet, smart, and had a beautiful voice, though he'd never admit it. "Yeah, I guess I do like Luke."

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