One ticket to the hills please.

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Empty. That is how I feel. Nothing brings me joy besides one thing. And that is the little miracle growing inside of me.  I have always wanted to be pregnant and become a mother.  When I was a teenager it was always something that I wanted, while all the other girls wanted the next best phone or a new car.  The other thing I wanted was a love that would consume me, the love of my soulmate.  Oh and I did, meet my soulmate that is, and now I am alone.  So much for wishing and dreaming.

My life without him will be dull, and you may be thinking; suck it up you big drama queen.  But he was it.  He was the rest of my life.  My throwing all the cards in.  He was the person I would grow old with. When I am with him everything is right and my world is aligned.  My parents  died when I was young, but I will never forget this one story she told me.  Now keep in mind, my mother was beautiful.  Men did just about anything to receive her affection.  And so I asked my mom one day why she chose my father and she said, "I knew your father was the one not because of the tingles he gave me or the goosebumps that constantly raced down my skin, but it was on are second date that I knew.  He was opening the door to the restaurant we were heading into and he put his hand on my lower back, guiding me in first and when he touched me I saw my future with him flash before my eyes.  I children that looked like him and I running around.  I saw us grow old together.  It was not just a crush where I doodled my name with his, he was it for me."

I always wanted that.  That knowing of meeting the one, but I was sure it would not happen.  But I was wrong.  It did happen.  With  Asher.  What happened with my mom and dad happened to me.  I believe in soulmates, no matter how ridiculous my story may sound.  Well  I believed, now I am bitter and alone.  Like right now for example, I am sitting in my bed at a hotel I could afford, not something Asher could afford.  Like I said earlier my parents died when I was young, aka middle school age, and we were not well off but we were not poor.  When they died I grew up with my Aunt and Uncle, who had three children and were in the same money status.  I went to college and got a degree in nursing.  

Asher and I actually met while I was working.  I am an ER nurse and he came in with a cut that needed stitches from getting into a fist fight.  He asked me out that night and I said no.  He kept coming though, he would bring flowers and food until I said yes. 

Anyways back to the hotel, enough to live on my own and survive.  Which I will now have to do, if not for me but for the little miracle growing in me.  With that thought I fall into a restless sleep.


It has been two days. Two horrible, sad lonely, days.  Bexley and Effie have been with me everyday, forcing me to eat and take care of myself.  This morning I woke up with a mission.  I would go get my stuff, not movers.  I need to save money, I sure as hell won't be getting money from Asher.  I don't want it and I am determined not to need it.  So in the early afternoon when I am sure he is not home, I will go over to the house and grab the rest of my things.  Bexley and Effie do not know and I will not be telling them.  This is something I want, no need to do alone and if I tell them they will come no matter what I say.  

And so that brings me to where I am now.  Standing in front of the door to what I used to be my home, trying to talk myself into walking in there and not running for the hills.  Because I know that once I walk through those doors I will be bombarded with memories.  Memories of him and I laughing, talking, making love and of everything else we have ever done in this house, and I will drown in a sea of sadness.  But if I can just hold it together long enough to get myself through this, then I can get through nearly anything.  So with that thought I turned the key and opened the door.  What I saw when I opened that door made me wish I ran for the hills.


Hello loves...

Please check out my other story! I would love to hear some feedback on that!

Thank you for reading

Lewis xo

(P.S. Not proof read or edited)

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