Chapter 4

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Dear Diary,
This month has been crazy I was about to be kidnapped until some hot jock came and save me I was so happy and then we had the best sex ever since that  my period has never came on let me check that out. My side of our love with be my diary. Me and Toby will have a long time together

I know this because I can see it I love him he treats me better than any boyfriend I ever had he Takes care of me.

My other boyfriend hit me and tried to have sex everyday the when they did they dumpded me. I don't wanna be like she died form aids and abuse from her new husband I live with my real dad.

I know I am better Im stronger and I will do better in life know that I have Toby I'm all good.I can breath better evreytime he gets around me I fell like I'm bout to burn from sweating I love him so much I would give him half my heart if he needed it.

Thanks for listening you are my bestfriend diary I will always love you.

                          Yours Truly

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