Jumping to conclusions (chp6)

73 6 12

Song: Stressed Out- Tøp
The day will repeat until Robin stopped destroying herself.

It was hard to believe but it was already happening. The no change of clothing. Doing the same things over again. Like that girl who tripped and fell yesterday and I helped her out. But it couldn't be possible. I shook my head and walked on to class, dreading the detention afterwards.


I felt worn out. The history class bored me to the point of sleep. I shifted around my seat and watched the detention supervisor of the day. Mr.Green my English teacher. He will probably notice that I skipped his class. I inwardly sighed.

Five minutes have passed and I felt my boredom drain me. The only other person here was Daniel Roberts and I bet he was here weekly since he was a troublemaker. If only he got his shit together he might actually have a future.

Then the door creaked open and there stood Robin. Her brown eyes fluttered nervously. She stepped out of the doorway and showed Mr.Green a pass.
He nodded as she mumbled something quickly and sat to the farthest seat. Which made all three of us sit in some type of triangle.

The silence was unnerving. I could here my hear beat and the shift of feet. Then someone cleared their throat. We all looked to Mr.Green.

"Since all of you don't have anything better to do you will help Mr.Shelton with cleaning", he stated. I heard everybody groan as the seats creaked when they got out. We walked out and saw Mr.Shelton with cleaning tools. He was tall and a balding man. His shiny black head shined in the hallway lights. He had a mustache with bald spots but he looked like a sanguine man. He had laugh lines etched around his mouth.

"Well kids, today you will feel the wrath of dirty hormonal children spawned from the depths of hell", he said with a joking tone. Robin snorted and Daniel chuckled. I just gave a smile.

Robin was handed a mop, Daniel a rag, and I a broom. Robin ventured off to a different part of the school and Daniel followed her. He was a flirt but I knew Robin. She was perfectly capable by herself. All women are.

I swept the floors and followed the path that the other two did. I saw Daniel perched onto the wall and mumbling things in her ears. She rolled her eyes. "Please, you can only pleasure yourself my rubbing your dick in your own shit", she snapped. I bit back my laughter as his face turned cherry red. But he settled back to his lousy composure. "You know you want this Rob", he purred as he traced his crotch. I felt myself inflate with anger, I only called her Rob. She scoffed "that's an exclusive nickname that you're not worthy of calling me, dog shit".

Daniel rolled his eyes. Robin moved away from him. Her black timberlands squeaked. She grabbed her bucket and sat it down next to her as she resumed mopping. The sound of the water slushing as the mop entered the bucket. She hummed a Arctic Monkeys song. She then bent down and I saw Daniel's eyes widen as he took in the view.

Something sparked in me and that ignited an idea. I walked on over casually and Robin eyed me but continued on with her humming.

I then walk in front of Daniel's line of view. And bent down exactly like Robin and hummed the same song. My ass was in front of him now.

I heard him choke on his saliva that had been beginning to ooze out his mouth. "Ugh gay shit", he muttered as he resumed cleaning the walls.

"Call this gay", I said quickly before grabbing Robin's butt. The humming stopped. And I could almost feel the punch before it hit me. Her knuckles came into contact and I braced myself for the pain. And it came. And it hurt. A lot.

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