Chapter 10

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~ Niall's P.O.V ~

After my little in counter with them at Starbucks, I have to search for better ways to get to Bay.

"What you've got to do is try to talk to her first. Not directly though" Skylar explained.

"What do you mean not directly? What other way is there?" She gave me an are-you-kidding-me look.

"You're not human.Hello! You have powers, I guess if that's what you'd call them.Talk to her through your mind."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Like you talk to yourself in your mind.You just do the same thing,but in your mind you send her messages"

My mouth formed in an "o" shape.

"Psh I knew that!" I shrugged

"Yeah, sure you did Mr.I know everything."

"So how am I suppose to get to earth?"

I questioned.

"Here take this ball and hold it tight-"

I chuckled at the way she was making this out to sound.

"Shut up Horan.Anyways, just think of where you want to transport."

I grabbed the small orb, and placed it between my hands. I carefully thought about the place I wanted to transport. Wouldn't want to think of the wrong place like Harry Potter did.This is all brand new to me, and I plan on having some fun though.

Bay.I need to get to Bay.My old house,she should be close around.

I tightly closed my eyes, It felt like I was spinning. Everything is moving so fast, I feel like I'm on the outside of an airplane.

I closed my eyes,when I opened them the spinning had stopped and I was at my house. Yes it worked !

~ Bay's P.O.V ~

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes, and a small box with a note on it next to me.

It read,"Got you a little something hope you like it -H" I opened the box and took the wrapping off the object. It was an airplane necklace. It was beautiful, but I don't know what it's suppose to mean.

"Need any help?" I shivered at the voice, who happened to be behind me.

"Harry don't do that!" He smirked and grabbed the small necklace ,he gently placed it around my neck. "What's it suppose to mean?" I questioned him.

"You can't fly unless you let yourself fall."

I smiled at the meaning of it.

"Thank you it's beautiful" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a light embrace.

"You've done so much for me lately, I don't know what I can give back to you. I have nothing." He scrunched his eyebrows up and looked down at the floor.

"No,you gave me you. You're here with me and that's all I need."

I tangled my fingers in his hair, looked right into his beautiful emerald green eyes.

Then I playfully pushed him back on the


"You're such a tease" Harry chuckled.

"Can we go to the store?"

"What for?" Harry questioned.

"I was thinking we could rent some movies, but junk food, and stay up all night."

"Sounds fun.Lets go"

Harry picked me up and we were in the car in five seconds."Can you ever be normal?"

"Normals boring" I gave him my mean face.

"Oh stop being cute"

I chuckled,"Not possible"

When we arrived at the store I headed straight to the popcorn isle. I picked out the bucket with movie theater popcorn,my favorite. Harry was on the candy isle, I looked over at him he had a huge bag of Haribo gummy bears.

"What I like them?"

"I can see that" I chuckled.

After we got all of our food, we went to the red box to pick out a couple of movies.

"What about Paranormal Activity 4?" I questioned.

"No , too boring."Harry simply replied back.

"Too boring?What would you like to see then?"

"What about the notebook?"

"You like that movie? Isn't it kind of girly?"

"Hey! Guys can watch it too"

"Okay Mr.Manliness" I chuckled.

After our shopping, we headed back to Harry's house.I took all the food out and put it in bowls, I then laid all the bowls out on the floor.

"I'll go get the blankets!" Harry yelled

Harry quickly came back down with a ton of blankets.

He laid then out on the floor along with some pillows.

"Ready?" I questioned.


The tv was lit up with the light from the movie.After about an hour I looked over at Harry who was already asleep.

"Party pooper" I whispered.

I then remembered how Niall and I use to watch this movie on valentines day.

My eyes became filled with tears, I silently began to sob. I missed Niall so much, I just don't even want to think about it.

Every little bad thing that has ever happened to me is coming up, and I start sobbing even more.

I grabbed a wine bottle out of the fridge,

without even using a glass, I drank straight from the bottle.I had looked back down to see the bottle was already half gone.

Like me. I started sobbing again.

"What are you doing?" A voice questions behind me.I didn't turn around because I was embarrassed, and didn't have a response. I looked at the floor for an answer.

"Look" I said. "I'm starting to get bad again"

He walked over towards me, and picked up the bottle. He moved me to sit across from him, but I kept my head down the whole time.

"Thing is," I said turning away.

"I'm never even sure if I'm actually getting better. I mean,the whole thing seems like an illusion.A lie, maybe, to help others feel better.I don't see how I am now, is any better or worse than other times.Other people seem to think there is a difference, but I don't really see much of one.

I mean, some days I talk to people more, smile more, or go out, or eat more. But in the end what does it all amount to in the end?" I said buying my lip, "nothing"

"I think I think too much. I'm sorry. It's just when I'm all alone everything comes up and I break. I just miss him."

"I know I miss you too"

I listened to the familiar voice.


A/N -

Cliff hanger! So how's everyone's summer. There's no excuse for me not doing my chapters. I have not been busy I just have had alot going on and I had no ideas. Hope you guys like the chapter!

Love you clovers!

Follow my IGs-




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