Chapter 3

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Lana's POV

The next week went by slow. I kept thinking about her, about Marina. It feels like she's so close to me yet so far away. I've been thinking about sending her an e-mail, and I think I'm just going to do it. As my laptop is starting up I'm thinking about what I should write. My hands are trembling as soon as I start my e-mail. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Am I really going to do this? It's stupid, she's never going to reply. I start a new e-mail, and the words flow out of my fingers.


My name is Elizabeth Grant and I'm a big fan of your music. And well, I was wondering if there's ever a chance of being able to meet you? Your music has changed me, it makes me feel better about myself, happy even. I hope this isn't too weird and if you don't want to reply I fully understand!

Yours truly,

Elizabeth Grant.
New York

Send. I sent it. I feel like I'm about to break down, this was the most stupidest thing I've ever done. I close my laptop and lay down on my bed for a while re-thinking my actions. After a while I decide to text Ashley. 

E: Hey girl heeey
A: Hey Liz!! Whatcha doing?
E: I just e-mailed Marina. Let's hope she replies lol
A: Really??? I'm so proud of you!
E: Thanks!! luv ya xxx

I put my phone away and decide to take a quick nap. Yeah, I could really use a nap right now. As I'm thinking about what she might reply my body slowly drifts into a slumber.

"Elizabeth? Liz? Liiizzzieeeee??" As I hear my name being whispered I slowly wake up and my eyes flutter open. I see Chuck standing next to my bed. "W..What? I was taking a nap for christ sake." I groan and hide my head in my pillow. "Mom and dad are gone for 2 weeks. We have the house to ourselves. Or well, you have the house to yourself. I'm sleeping at my boyfriend's house for the time." Chuck says. This is great! I can throw so many parties! I look back up at her. "Really? You're not joking around?" I say. "No, why would I? Just don't wreck the house, please?" She responds. I burst into laughter. "I promise, the house will be in perfect shape when you all come back." We both laugh and then head downstairs, wave our parents goodbye. Then when they're gone I give Chuck a big hug and wave her goodbye as well. I walk back inside and look at the house. All for me! I'm going to have a great, great time.

I walk back upstairs and open my laptop. I open up my e-mail, and.. I, I have mail? She responded?! I quickly open the e-mail, it's from It's her, it's really her! I start to read it out loud:

Hello dear Elizabeth,

Your e-mail warmed my heart. Normally my fans only say they love my music via comments on my facebook page or my instagram. But to receive a real e-mail of a fan explaining my music touches them touches me. I would love to meet you!
I read you're in New York? That's great, because I'm currently there as well! Here, I'll leave my personal phone number for you. +1 2015550123.

I'm looking forward for your call/text.

Yours truly,

Marina Diamandis.

She.. She replied, and she even left her phone number for me? Am I alive? Am I dreaming? Is this real? I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming and I feel everything. I'm awake, and this is happening. With shaking hands I add her number into my phone and there she is, just sitting there between my contacts. Should I text her? Call her? Right now, or in like a few hours? Will she see me as a stalker if I do it now? So many thoughts, I feel as if I'm about to freak out and faint.

I'm not going to do it now. I need to be mentally prepared for this.

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