Chapter 3

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"Would you look at that, Clark. Almost all classes together." Cameron says while studying my time table.

"Actually, I think we all have the same classes, except when Ivy takes Visual Arts, I take Technology, Cam takes French, Charlie takes Additional Math and Cal takes performing arts. And we all have music." Nate, always the analyser.

Soon enough, lunch had approached after a long first day. Within these 4 hours I have learnt that :

a) New art teacher is hot

b) Do not piss off Ms. Koren the school secretary

c) Never ask for the surprise meal

d) I will never understand politics ever

Now, the next thing to look forward to is PE at the end of today.

I was sat at our usual table since elementery school with Cameron, since Iʼve spent the whole day with him in all classes other than art.

Note: Usually, itʼd be Calum.

I miss Calum.

"But I donʼt get why the egg had to come first, I mean it couldʼve been a mutant dinosaur chicken who layed unfortunately tiny eggs because of birth control. Would they have had birth control back then?" Cameron has reached a whole new level of insane.

"Are you high?" I ask laughing as Charlie, Nate and Calum decide to join us carrying their lunches.

"Have you seen the surprise meal?" Nate asks with clear disgust on his face, "Iʼm home lunching for the rest of my life." that got a laugh from me and a few ʻYeahʼs from the rest of the table, Calum remaining quiet. "I mean, I thought elementary school food was bad, but then they give me this." he says pushing the tray slightly further away from him.

"What are you talking about the mash potatoes during elementary were a complete mouthgasm." I say widening my eyes to add emphasis on the mouthgasm.

"Whatever you say." eye roll.

"Ivy!" I hear a voice call behind me

I turn around causing the four heads around me to do the same. It was the school jock, Ralph.

"Hey, Ral." He walks toward me with his heart-melting smile consisting of his pearl white teeth and extremely soft-looking lips.

He comes and towers above me putting out a hand for me to take so he could help me stand up. From down here I could see his features perfectly. His slightly dark skin, his gently quiffed hair, his golden brown orbs.


I tense when I remember that Calum was right behind me. Watching.

From where I was sitting I could feel his glare toward my back. I knew it wasnʼt the only glare being thrown my way but right now, it was the only one that mattered.

I took his hand hesitantly attempting but miserably failing to look back. "Ivy, can I borrow you for a second?"

"Um, sure?" I said more of a question than an answer.

"Iʼll only be a minute, lads." he turns toward the table and Nate was the only person who bothered answering. Oh thank god he was there.

"Sure mate, take your time."

He was the hottest boy in school.

I am Ivy Clark.

What the fucking what.

He locked our fingers and brought me to the side of the cafeteria.

"Hi." he says letting go of our hands but remaining the same distance.

"Hi." I say blushing.

What the actual fuck is happening right now I donʼt even believe this.

"So Ivy... Iʼve been meaning to ask you this all summer but Iʼve never had the chance to. My parents organized a last minute trip to Spain so..." he says trailing off.


am I supposed to say something or

"So yeah, Iʼve been meaning to ask you... Are you and that Calum guy..."

My eyes widened, "Oh... um..." I donʼt even know. "I donʼt know." I answered truthfully.

I really didnʼt know.

"I mean if you donʼt want to, I understand I-"

I grinned. Was he nervous? "Donʼt want to what, Ral?" amusement clear in my voice.

"Oh um right, I didnt even ask the question yet." he says putting his fist to his head muttering a ʻdumbfuckʼ under his breath which made me giggle- a lot.

"Ivy, I donʼt know whatʼs going on with you and your," he jots his eyes towards the table where Calum was studying our every move, "mate." he finishes hesitantly, "But I would love to take you out."

He says ending it with that beautiful smile again.
"You, Ralph Lowne, is asking me, Ivy Clark, on a date?"

"Am I really that bad?" He says running a hand through his hair with a blue expression on his face.

"Oh god no. I was talking about me. Why me?"

"Ivy, youʼre a real catch. Your hilarious, athletic, definitely fit as hell. Not to mention gorgeous." He smiles.


I blush and play with my fingers, speechless.

"So howʼs about it then?" he hooks his finger under my chin making me look at him.

"Can I think about it?" I say hopefully.

Look at me. Complete loser being asked out by the school jock and Iʼm asking for time to ʻthinkʼ?

"Of course." He smiles again.

"LOWNE! FIELD! NOW!" the coach Mr. McHugh screams from the other side of the cafeteria making everyone but him jump. He must be used to it now.

He gave me a sympethetic smile and took my hand.
 "Iʼve got to go." he says looking into my eyes. 
"Iʼll see you." I smile.
 He leans in slowly and gives me a lingering kiss on the cheek.
"Youʼll let me know, yeah?" he smiles and says before sprinting towards the coach. I make my way back to the lunch table only to find everyone but Calum. "Whereʼs-"

"There was a phone call, someone called Luke. Said heʼd seen enough anyway." Charlie says looking down.

"Seen enough?"

"Donʼt tell me you didnʼt see the glares almost the whole female species in this cafeteria gave you."

"I didnʼt see the glares almost the whole female species in the cafeteria gave me." I laughed.

"Ivy youʼre so oblivious, Iʼm actually getting worried." Nate says as I turn to find Cameron sitting on his lap playing with his ears and him acting like it was a usual thing.

"Oblivious? Me?" I laugh even harder.

"Alright then letʼs get ready for PE." Charlie says giving a hand out to me, "Ah but of course Charles, marvelous idea." Cameron says taking the extended hand to pull him up before skipping on his own towards the changing rooms.

"These are my friends." I mutter to myself in horror only to make Nate and Charlie laugh next to me.

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