Chapter 3

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The next couple months were really fun and packed with driving and shows. Me and Niall were going strong for awhile. Then we hit a rough patch. He had been kinda moody. Liam said it happened sometimes throughout the tour. He would get over worked and over tired and he'd be stressed. So I didn't think anything of it. There weren't any shows for two days so we decided to go out. We went to a pub and were going to have a couple drinks and just hang out. Well Niall had one too many drinks. Me and Liam tried getting him back to the hotel but when that failed we just decided to leave. He'd come back eventually. It was late at night and we heard him come in. But he wasn't alone. There was a woman's laughter as they shut the door. Had he really brought a girl with him? I looked at him. His arms around this other girl, and lips locked on hers. I was beyond upset. I left the room and Liam followed after me. "Amber wait!" He called out after me. I bursts into tears and fell to the ground. He put his arm around me. "Amber it's ok. Niall is a horrible drunk. And that's exactly what he is. He's drunk and doesn't know what he's doing."

"And I'm just suppose to be ok with it? So every time he comes back with a girl it should be ok because he's drunk and doesn't know what he's doing?"

"No! I didn't say that, Amber. I know how much he likes you. Heck, I'm surprised he hasn't said I love you to you yet. You can't let this one incident ruin it all."

"You don't understand. This is what happened in my last relationship. I don't want to deal with this again."

"Then don't. Tell him where you stand. You expect more from him and won't take anything less. He needs to know that. He needs to know that you won't stick around with a guy who gets drunk and brings girls home."

He was right.

The next morning was a rough one for Niall. He was hung over and the others had sided with me and were just as upset with him as I was. I was talking with Harry and Zayn outside on the balcony when Niall came out to join us. We fell silent. "Can I talk to Amber alone please?" He asked the boys. They left, closing the glass door behind them. "Amber, I'm so sorry for everything." I leaned against the railing, not looking at him. "What I did last night was wrong in so many ways and I was drunk and selfish and immature. I never should have brought that girl back to the hotel. I never should have even talked to her. And I'm so sorry."

"If you think blaming everything on your drunkenness is ok, it's not. And if you think that the worse part of the night was bringing that stupid girl back, you better start looking for a new girlfriend." I showed him my wrist that was wrapped up because it had been sprained. "Do you even remember what happened last night at the pub? Pushing me down? Acting like a complete fool?"

"Amber I am so sorry about everything. I know that a thousand sorry's will never make up for what I did." He turned me to face him. "But believe me when I say that it will never happen again."

"Yeah. Because if it ever did that would be the last you will ever see of me, Niall." I left after that.

I could feel tears building up so I went into the bathroom so the boys wouldn't see me cry. Niall on the other hand didn't care if they saw him. He sat on a chair with tears falling down his face. The boys were highly upset with him and didn't know what they should say. Liam stepped up and joined him on the balcony. "You're an idiot Niall!" He started. "What did she say to you?

"She said how being drunk is no excuse and if this happened again then it's over. All of it."

"Good. Niall you really did some messed up crap last night."

"Do you mind filling me in? I honestly don't remember most of it."

"We'll the craziness started after your 3rd shot. We tried to get you out of there before you made a complete fool of yourself. But you didn't want to leave. You swung at me a few times but worse than that you pushed Amber to the ground. You sprained her wrist Niall. I'm not a fighter but man I wanted to knock you right there. You dont hit girls, thats not ok. Well after that I took her back here and wrapped it up. Later is when..."

"I brought the girl home. I remember that part. What am I going to do? She's never going to forgive me."

"You better think of something fast. Unless you want to be ignored the whole 13 hours to Dallas."

Just then Roger, the boys manager, walked into the room. By the look of his face you could tell he wasn't very happy. "Boys we need to have a talk." He said.

"What about?" Harry asked.

"Ticket sales have gone down. Way down! Ever since Niall and Amber have started dating."

I continued to look at Roger. Not wanting to look Niall in the eye.

"We'll I came up with an idea to boost our sales."

"How?" Niall asked.

"A publicity stunt."

I looked at him confused.

"You two 'break up'. Only for a few month. Obviously it won't be for real but we have to make it seem legit, and the best way to do that is for Amber to go home."

"She's not going home!" Niall exclaimed.

"No, he's right." I said. "Let's do it."

I left to my room to go pack. Niall came after me. "You don't have to go. We can find another way to boost the sales." He said.

"Considering the circumstances, I think it's best that I just go for now."

"You can't just give up that easily."

"I'm not. I just think that having some space would be best for us, for the tour."

"Are we breaking up?"

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