Chapter 4

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I left the on the first flight the next morning. It was difficult. I knew me and Niall needed to work things out but I also knew that the band was very important to them. Necessary actions needed to be taken.

I got off the plane. Swarmed by paparazzi. Questions like "why are you back early" and "did you and Niall break up" were thrown at me left and right. I ignored them all. I went home to an empty house. Alone. With none of my close friends nearby. Or so I thought.

I called Harry that night. I just wanted someone to talk to. "Did you get home safely?" He asked.

"I did. How are things?"

"How are things or how is Niall?"


"Things are the same. But Niall is out of it. He's been in his bunk since we left the hotel 8 hours ago."

"Hopefully he snaps out of it before the next show."

"You're telling me? Maybe you should talk to him or something."

"What will I say?"

"Just say you're ok and that the problems between you are just temporary."

"Alright. Let me talk to him."

He handed Niall the phone. "Hello?" He asked confused.


A sigh of relief came from the other end. "You're ok?"

"I'm fine. Um Niall, I'm just going to say this one thing. I don't want this to ruin everything we've gone through..."

"Me either." He cut me off.

"But I'm dead serious that if you pull another stunt like this I'm out. I'm not going to deal with it ok?"

"Babe I won't."

"I have to go."


But I had already hung up before he could finish his sentence.

I had no groceries whatsoever, so first thing in the morning I got some breakfast at a local bakery and then went off to the store. I saw a magazine as soon as I walked in. My face was on the front page with a headline that read "Niall and Amber call it off". I immediately text Harry saying "Ticket sales went up didn't they?"

Harrybeary: yea how'd you kno?

Me: I just assumed considering I'm on the front of several magazines.

Harrybeary: the plans working I guess.

Me: yea I guess it is.

I started to walk on and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said looking up to see who it was.

"Amber?" The guy said.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I responded.

"It's me. Ryan. We went to high school together. We were in the drama club together. This might help:" he did a horrible impersonation of an American.

"Ryan!" I remember. "Goodness how long has it been?"

"Almost five years! How have you been?"

"I've been good. You?"

"I've been better. I actually have to get going but we should catch up sometime. What's your number?"

We quickly exchanged numbers. Said our goodbyes. Then went in with our business.

I returned home and went online to check out what was happening on Twitter. I was tagged in tweets that read "Why did Niall and Amber break up? I loved them together! #depressed" while others read "Glad that Amber girl is done using Niall!" What can I say? I'm famous!

I was watching E! News when I received a text. It was from Ryan. It said "hey do you wanna catch up over breakfast tomorrow? Starbucks?"

Me: that'd be great! 10 o'clock?

Ryan: I'll see you there.

The next morning came quick. I saw it was 9 o'clock already so I quickly got in the shower, for dressed, and made my way to the Starbucks Bowen the street. Right away I saw Ryan sitting at an outdoor table. "Hey" he said standing up to give me a quick hug. "Shall we go get some food?"

I nodded and walked inside to get our food and drinks then returned to our table.

"So," I said taking a sip of my coffee, "what have you been up to these days?"

"I just finished my fourth year at uni."

"Oh really. What did you major in?"

"Fine arts. I did a lot of drama and painting and all that. What about you?"

"I took a year off and then went to uni to study literature. I've always enjoyed writing. So I just finished my third year. Any girlfriends?" I asked jokingly.

"I actually dated a girl throughout uni, but it ended."

"Oh why is that?"

"She died. She was in a car accident."

I reached over and my hand on his to show my sympathy. "I'm so sorry."

"Me too." There was a pause. "What about you?"

"You remember Niall Horan?"

"The now famous one?"

"Yup. He's my boyfriend."


"Yeah. It'll be three months next Thursday."

"We'll congrats!"


We talked for a couple hours and then went our separate ways. It was great being able to catch up with an old friend. I hadn't really hung out with anyone else other than the boys, so it was good to have someone else apart from them.

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