Day Nine: An Unseen Romance

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Put yourself into the shoes of someone's shadow for the day. 

I overestimated my abilities for this one and I think it turned out a bit weird. Still, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks to all your comments and votes, they've really kept me going!! :D 

The good thing about being someone's shadow is that you don't have to get up at ridiculous o'clock before the sun has risen. You have to get up and do your job when the sun decides to do its job and break through the clouds. Or, when your human turns on the light.

I'm rather lucky. Mine showers in the dark - I think it's something to do with the scars on her body - and it's only once she's dressed and starts her makeup that the light is turned on and, although she never notices me, I have to haul myself up and lie on the floor. And thus begins one of my favourite times of the day.

It takes my human - our human, I should say - about half an hour to do her makeup, to cover the acne on her face and make her dazzling eyes even more Bambi-ish. I won't lie - she's beautiful. Really stunning. But she doesn't see it. It's my shadows that cover her scars in the sunlight so they don't glitter, and it's my counterpart, her reflection, who is steadily teaching her to own her beauty once again.

Anyway. Back to me.

Whilst I know why our human's reflection looks like - I mean, she looks like our human. Obviously. - I don't actually have a form, except for various black lumps. Sometimes I'm tall, sometimes short. When our human doesn't know, her reflection makes fun of me.

Joke's on her. When she wasn't there, I saw our human booking a trip to the circus with the boy she likes. And that means funny mirrors.

Back to doing her makeup. When our human looks down to squirt some stuff into her hand, I glance up and wave a little at her reflection, who winks back. We've had this ritual of flirting since our human was about 14 or 15. Before then I didn't realise I could move outside of what our human did, and I don't think her reflection did either. It's freeing when I'm not being seen, but other than that there's not much I can do.

Our human looks back up and her reflection quickly snaps back into place; both of us mirror her movements, because I can see my shadow's reflection in the mirror too. I'm almost jealous of them, both together. Almost. Because it's me the reflection likes, not... uh... my reflection.

It's a weird life we lead, I think when our human gets up and grabs her bag. I wave at her reflection one last time and mime blowing a kiss, but I don't know if she gets it. I follow our human down the stairs, vanish until she turns on the light and then appear back, having my head stepped on by her father. Thankfully, it doesn't hurt.

I try not to get all philosophical when I'm thinking about my existence. It just makes my head hurt, which is quite a feat considering my head is made of air of a dark colour.

See what I mean?

Instead, I just get with my job, following my human around and hoping that she walks past a couple of reflective mirrors in private places. It'd be nice to get a bit more flirting done before our human's asleep and her reflection and I can leave her body and have some fun together. Ah, yes.

I settle down as the bus she's on goes through a tunnel and resist the urge to clap my unseen hands.

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