Day Fifteen: Daylight Ride

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Choose a painting and write about it. I chose one by Leonid Afremov. I blurred out the breasts in this photo because I don't know Wattpad's stance on artwork. Still, I hope you enjoy the story! :)

The girl was unexpected. She simply appeared, naked, the only thing covering her porcelain skin being her auburn hair. Even that was straw-like, crisp and clearly uncared for.

But her personality... Something drew the horse to her, something almost supernatural. She held his bridle, the bit polished even though the reins were chapped. Skilled fingers expertly secured the bridle around the horse's nose, the chin strap loosely tied.

The girl hummed as she worked. The horse liked that. She seemed kind, gentle. Untouched. Feral, but not dangerous. Her fingers were too soft to be dangerous.

She ran her hands along the horse's mane, and he relished at her gentle touch, the beast forgetting his owner and turning his love to his new mistress. When she reached his withers and the dip in the gelding's back, she pressed gently. Waited for his reaction. And then, almost as if the wind had carried her, sprung up lightly and sat on the horse's smooth coat.

He hardly felt her - she seemed weightless. But she took his reins nonetheless and her slender ankles put a gentle pressure on the creature's ribs. He walked forwards obediently.

The pair rode, almost as if they were joined. Unbeknown to her ride, the girl's breasts jiggled lightly at the movement. Her hair whipped against her back. Her hips were pushed and pulled to the rhythm of the stride. But she was content. Her hands were light and relaxed on the reins. She sat easily aside her partner and took in her surroundings with eager eyes.

The pair rode for what seemed like hours, but neither tired. When the girl heard running water, she clucked and put a small amount of pressure on the reins. The horse started; it had been so long since she'd instructed him to move. A hand on his neck calmed him quickly, and he happily followed her command to head to the river.

When they arrived at the crook, the girl urged the horse into the cool water. The footing was sure, so the gelding plundered in, tossing his head and having a leisurely drink. The girl laughed, a shrill sound from her stomach. She dipped her toes in. The horse carried on walking, pushing upstream and into shallower water.

At the spring, they finally stopped. The sun was beginning to set. The girl figured that she should get the horse home; but for a moment, it was just those two, together. Against the break of the dawn.

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