Day Twenty: Coffee Spill

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Your character meets their soulmate! What happens? 

Not too sure about this one. :/


The fact that service is slow does absolutely not help my fractured nerves whatsoever. The anticipation of not making it is the worst thing in the world. I stand in the queue, trying really hard not to show that I'm freaking out. The cashier seems unable to do basic maths – which isn't good if you're counting change – and takes an age to count out 56p.

One more person before me, and then it's my turn. I look at my watch which is a bad idea because I'm nearing my deadline to get to that interview. "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up," I whisper hurriedly under my breath, clinking the coins I have between my fingers.

"Next, please?"

"Large latte, please!" I almost shout. The women raises an eyebrow but doesn't comment and just types it into the cashier. She yells the same thing behind her.

After what seems like an age but was probably only about a minute, I have a takeaway cup full of steaming coffee in front of me. I move along to the stirrers and put two packets of brown sugar into my drink, and stir it quickly. I glance at the cheap watch on my wrist which is already breaking although I only got it two weeks ago. I can make it! I think, a flood of relief rushing down my body and settling in my stomach. OK, let's-

As I turn around with my steaming coffee in hand, a man walks behind me and I collide straight into his checked shirt and clearly pressed tie. Latte goes everywhere – including over my newly dry-cleaned skirt – and for a moment the entire café goes eerily quiet.

"Oops," I say quietly. I'm officially defeated. By a latte. I mutter hurried apologies, pick up my coffee and leave the café with my head down heading back to the bus stop.

I've walked less than ten steps from the door before someone grabs my handbag lightly from behind. I don't jump, because I was expecting it, but turn around highly expecting to be arrested. Instead, it's the man I crashed in to. "I am so, so sorry," I say, "but I can't afford to replace your clothing. I can't afford to replace mine!" I breathe back the tears.

"Hey, it's ok," he says kindly. "It doesn't need to be replaced, and I'm sure with a good wash that'll come out!" I don't tell him I don't have a washing machine anymore. By next week, I won't have a sink.

"Come and have a coffee with me?" He half asks it and half states it, and I've got no other choice but to accept. No company would hire me with a coffee-stained skirt, so I don't bother. "My name's Jonathon," he says as we walk to a different café.

"Amy," I reply to his unasked question.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Amy." He smiles, and I can actually believe he's being genuine.

After only five minutes of knowing him, I believe he is genuine. He's kind and friendly and funny. He seems to want to know about me, not my past, not where I work or who I live with. Just me. And then, when he says he has to get to work, he asks where I earn my living.

"I don't," I say, shamelessly. This'll be where he leaves. "I was on my way to an interview this morning." His mouth drops into a perfect 'O' and an almost cute blush appears on his cheeks.

"I am so sorry," he says. And, again, I can believe he's genuine.

"It's okay," I say, "I was unlikely to get it anyway."

"Perhaps you should come and intern for me?" he says after a moment. It's another half-question, half-statement. "I work for a publishing agency," he continues and smiles.

"I'll- um- I mean- Yes!" I stutter, unable to believe my luck. He grins boyishly and I can't help but grin back. He puts me so at ease.

"Do you think," he asks as we leave the café – to my new internship! – "that it would be unprofessional or just downright weird to ask someone I just met and who is my new intern out on a date?"

I pretend to ponder the question. "You know what? No. Unless company policy forbids it..."

"I guess I'll just have to change the company policy then," he says with a wink. He doesn't ask me out right then, but I know that, without a doubt, I'll have a date this evening. The anticipation is the best thing in the world.

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