Day Twelve: Rookie Mistakes

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Write about making mistakes.

"Oh no."


"I just made a terrible mistake."

"What did you do?" Felix face plants the desk, shoving his laptop out of the way and groaning loudly. "Felix. Bro. What happened?"

"I just made a terrible mistake."

"Yeah, I got that, sweetie, but what did you do?" His girlfriend moves and puts her arms around his shoulder. "Honey? It can't be that bad." Felix just moans again. "Tell ya what-" she says, standing up and kissing him on the head. She goes, but he doesn't turn around to look and when she comes back a couple of minutes later, he's still in the same place with his cheeks still on fire. "Here. Tea. Drink up, sunshine!" He did well with her, he thinks, taking the tea and finally sitting up.

The blush on his cheeks makes her give him a quizzical look. "Is everything okay, Felix? What have yo done? It can't be that bad if it's only 'a terrible mistake' and not 'I've just signed my own arrest warrant' like last week." Felix shrugs and puts the tea to his lips. It's still too hot to drink, but it means he doesn't have to answer. Unfortunately, she's wise enough to his tricks that she takes the disposable cup from his grasp and taps his cheek lightly. "Felix. You're scaring me. What is it?"

He sighs. "Well. We-ll. Um. I was meant to be sending an essay to my teacher, y'know."

"...Yes," she says slowly. He glances at her and she raises an eyebrow.

"We-ll... Um. I kind of sent him a document with a load of fanfiction in it instead. And then, um-" He pulls open his computer and she sees that the screen isn't turning on, even when he jams the power button down. It's out of charge. "The kind of fanfiction you don't want your professor to be reading." He glances at her awkwardly.

"Huh. What was it this time? Princess Leia and R2-D2?" He glares. She finds his phone one time...

"Okay, that was totally a one-off and I was just seeing how it actually worked."

"Yeah, yeah," she says, turning back to her own laptop and firing it up again. "Perhaps you should, y'know, not save your fanfiction to your college drive? Bit idiotic if you ask me." He protests some more until she puts her laptop on his knee, and he sees it's open to an email account. "Email him again," she says, almost wearily. "Honestly, if you didn't have me, I doubt you'd survive at all."

"Probably not," he says absent-mindedly, nearlyspilling his tea whilst trying to grab it without looking. She catches it andraises her eyebrows as if to prove her point. He ignores her but, when shetakes her laptop back, gives her a kiss on her forehead. 

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