Chapter 27

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Mia's POV

It's October and I can't believe I'm packing my suitcase to get ready to see Harry. Butterflies are in my stomach. I take a deep breath and try to relax, it seems to help. I'm finished packing and I go around to make sure that I've got everything that I'll need, well I sure hope so. I grab my suitcase and head downstairs to wait for my mom and Jaz to pick me up.

I'm sitting outside on my front step. I pull my phone out and text Harry to make sure he doesn't forget to pick me up. I laugh.

Me: *Hey don't forget to pick me up ;)*

My mom and Jaz finally pull in. Jaz gets out of the car and helps me carry my suitcase to the trunk.

"It's about time. Are you guys trying to make me miss my flight?" I tease.

"Blame it on Jazmine, she wanted to copy something on a cd at the last minute before we left the house."

Jaz rolls her eyes.

"What were you copying?" I ask her.

"That video of us singing karaoke." She grins.

"Why?" I raise a brow at her.

"So you can show it to Harry and the guys." She smiles.

"Absolutely not Jaz!"

She's cracking up.

"Mia if you want to be on time we have to leave, now." My mom shouts from inside the car.

Jaz and I get into the car and my mom heads out on the road. "You better burn that cd. Both copies to be exact."

"No Mia these are our memories!"

"Yeah, memories that need to be forgotten!" I say teasing her.

"Mia honey that's not nice." My mom scowls at me through the rear view mirror.

"I'm just joking with her!"

Jaz is ignoring me.


"Jaaazz?" I tap on her shoulder. She's staring out the window.

I reach through between the center console and start tickling her. She's laughing hysterically and her arms are flying everywhere. "Mia stop please!"

"Look Jaz, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said about burning them."

"Why don't you want to show the guys?"

"Because I suck and it's embarrassing."

"Oh stop it Mia you were awesome. Just take it with you. You can watch it when you start to miss me." She grins.

"I always miss you, your my little sister." I smile.

I sigh, "Fine. Give me the cd."

She hands it to me and I stick it in my purse. We're almost at the airport and I feel my phone vibrate. It's Harry.

Harry: *I would never forget you :)*

I'm grinning from ear to ear.

Me: * :) ok well I'm almost at the airport so I guess I'll see you in a couple hours*

Harry: *Can't wait!*

We pull into the airport and my mom parks by the curb with her flashers on. Jaz and I get out the car and grab my suitcase from the trunk.

"Do you need help or are you ok carrying that?" Jaz asks.

"I'll be fine I think"

"Ok honey well you better get going so you don't miss your flight."

I open the passenger side door and climb in to give my mom a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun Mia. Call me everyday or whenever you can of course." She smiles. Her eyes glossy.

"I will mom. I promise."

I climb out and turn to look at Jaz. Tears are staining her cheeks. I use the ball of my thumbs to wipe away her tears. "Don't cry Jaz. You and I, we'll talk everyday I promise ok?"

She nods her head. I pull her into my arms and hug her tight.

"Jazmine sweetie we have to go." My mom calls.

"Mia can you promise me just one thing?"


"Promise me that you'll have fun and let yourself be happy. You deserve to be Mia."

I smile at her and sigh, "Ok. I'll try."

We say our last few goodbyes and I watch as my mom and Jaz drive away. I grab my suitcase and head inside. I walk up to the counter and check my bag in to make sure it gets to the plane. I walk around and find the terminal that I need to be at. They've just allowed the passengers to go on board. I get in line and follow everybody else onto the plane. "Need help finding your seat?" The flight attendant asks.

"Uh yeah sure, thanks."

"Ok let me see your ticket please. Ok your in first class just make a left here and your seat will be on the right about half way down."

What? First class? I didn't know Harry bought me a first class ticket. I'm paying him back for it. I would've been perfectly fine sitting in coach.

"Um thank you. Thank you very much."

I found it. It's a window seat. I pull my phone out and text Harry one more time before we take off.

Me: *I would've been happy sitting in coach. I'm paying you back every penny just so you know*

He replies back.

Harry: *Your not paying me anything for it :p*

Me: *How dare you stick your tongue out at me :p*

I'm grinning.

Harry: *:p*

I can't believe he did it again. I'm cracking up at this point.

Me: *Thank you for making me crack up, now everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy lol*

Harry: *Good ;)*

Me: *Ok well we're about to take off so I'll see you in a few hours.*

Harry: *Ok see you soon :)*

I shut my phone off as we're about to take off. Halfway into the flight I adjust my seat and decide to take alittle nap before I arrive. I'm nervous but excited to see Harry.

Harrys POV

Oh man. I've never been so nervous about anything in my life. After talking with Mia about an hour ago I scurry around my room to get dressed. I quickly brush my teeth and run downstairs into the kitchen to find a snack. I grab a banana, a water, my keys and wallet and head out the door to my car.

My heart is racing. I've been looking forward to this moment since the first time I saw her. Traffic is a mess but I should make it on time. I look at the clock, it's 8:30am. She'll be here in thirty minutes.

I make it with ten minutes to spare. I'm sitting in my car waiting for Mia's plane to land. I twiddle my thumbs on the steering wheel. I'm laughing at myself because I can't believe how nervous I am to see her, but I'm more excited than anything. I want to spend this time off getting to know her. What she likes to do, what music she likes, her favorite movie, even her favorite color. I smile at the thought.

I see a plane coming in. I think it may be hers. It finally lands. Yup, that's her plane. My hands are shaking and my heart is racing. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I see them open the door and let the passengers out. I wait until I see Mia walking down the stairs. I get out the car and watch as she's looking around as if she's looking for someone. She is.


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