Beneath it All

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Beneath the masks we wear,

insecurities writhe in the murky depths of self doubt,

hiding awayfrom a world of expectation,

craving acceptance in the roles we play,

seeking validation in the acts we perform…

Beneath the walls we build,

our hearts grow cold,emotion stymied in suppression

as the light fades,casting our souls to the darkness

as brick by brick and stone by stone,

the blockade grows ever higher,

burying us alive as prisoners in our minds…

Beneath the flesh we wear,

we  grow weary of the passing ages,

resentful that we live to die,

our lifetimes but a fleeting moment,

blinked in the eye of eternity,

a breath on the winds of time,

sighed in acceptance

of a fate that binds us to causality…

Dying from the time we are born…

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