Chapter 5: Darker Darkness

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After I had gotten up again, I walked over to the gate, and easily climbed over it, heading into the ditch below.
An other bridge, gee great.
I jog as much as I can at the railing part, on the opposite side that the road goes on. Then I hop the rail and sprint the bridge. There are two houses now, up on raised ground. I climb the hill and look around at the wood shed, it looks a little creepy in the dark. I move on towards the house, hiding on the side of the building, while calculating whether it would be safer to go in through the front or the back. I decide through the back is safer, because the front is to bright from all the lights. Behind the house is a black metal fence, the chains are linked close together. The lawn is well tended to, very lush and green. I follow the line of the fence until I become within seeing distance of the windows, then lay flat in some shadows. The fence was strange, it went around the back of the house, but not the whole yard. Maybe it was this way because they had small children or a small dog. This didn't matter to me, no small children or dog insight. I looked into the window, the TV was on. I couldn't tell who, and how many who's we're watching the TV, so I had to move carefully. I used the shadows as much as I could, to stealthily cross the backyard, without the people inside being able to see me. Houses are tough. There was a small wood pile, and a wooden fence that separated the two house properties. I was just passing the small wood pile, when my heart dropped.
I stayed completely still, holding my breath.
I'm a statue I'm a statue don't turn around.
The man continued on his way into one of the other structures, opening the door, and going inside. I dropped to the ground, without making a sound, and crab scuttled closer over to the small wood pile. I didn't know when he would come out, so I couldn't crawl under the wood fence or get up. I stayed behind the wood pile on the ground, heart pounding. I hadn't seen a human up close in a few hours. I'd been by myself, in the dark, seeing no creature at all, so my heart was beating faster then a race horse. It didn't help that he seamed to come out of nowhere. I cursed myself for not being more aware.
These mistakes I've been making could have ended very badly...
He exited the structure, and walked over to, what I later heard was a truck. The engine roared into life, and I wondered if I should have tried to sneak on and hitch a ride. But I didn't know where he was going, so I guess it was a good thing. I glanced back at the house behind me, making sure it was clear, then climbed through the wooden fence. I was tempted to look inside the second house, or try and go in it, but this was quickly thought and quickly forgotten. I went through the front, since no lights were on in the house. A car passed by on the road, and I casually hid behind a tree. I crossed the driveway, cringing at every loud step my feet made against the gravel. I looked back at the two houses now behind me, and then forward to the forest in front of me.
Oh no...
I gulped. This was the only way. There was no good coverage on the other side, and the road was to busy for me to cross. I cautiously stepped into the forest, constantly turning around and scanning my surroundings while I continued to move forward. The good thing about the forest, is it has extremely good coverage so I didn't have to stop. The bad part about the forest...
It was scary as hell.
The passing cars (that was once an occasional pass by, soon flickered into a small stream) casted light all around and throughout the forest, and since it was night, the lights casted creepy shadows everywhere, that danced against the dark background of the forest casting an erie atmosphere, plus my wild imagination and delusional tiredness for the continuos walking. My mind started to make up images, or at least I hope so. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, I could barely breath, or stay calm. I held George a little closer, and looked around now every second. I couldn't keep my back to any part of this forest for any amount of time, long or short. I kept thinking scary music would start playing, or Jason would jump out with his loud chainsaw and chase me until I fell or got caught on something or both, and got brutally murdered, blood everywhere. My heart rate started to spike even more when the dancing shadows fooled me into thinking there was an other person in these woods. I hope to God it was just me, and that there really wasn't someone out there. My step quickened, as did my heart.
It's not logical there is no reason for someone to be here plus the person isn't moving, or calling out to me, and see look George? The car that just went by reflected light off it and I think it's just a tree...
I relaxed a little, continuing on with my quest and finishing the forest.
Oh no... it's the corner house. At least I know this is the right way.
I stayed in the tree line and observed the house and the still almost continuos river of passing cars. I groaned as I realized, this was going to be very very hard. I had to run the corner, and a bridge, and up a steep bunk into a field... without being seen, and this road was very busy. I cautiously passed the house, hiding in one of the trees. I had learned by now that patients is better then speed, even though I was getting more tired even more quickly.
I pressed myself deeper into the tree shelter I was in as a car went by on the road beside me, I did not like this. All these bright lights, and nerve wracking moments that would have sent anyone else crawling back home. But going back wasn't even in my vocabulary at the moment. I waited, then rushed out and made a dash for the hedge on the side. I made it just in time as an other car went by. I was about to go back out again, when suddenly, a car came speeding around the corner. I scrambled with all my limbs back into the hedge in a rather awkward position. Two more cars passed, and then it was silent. I eagerly (but cautiously) jumped out of the hedge, (more like rolled) and now I was facing the bridge.
I can't be seen I can't get caught I can't be seen I cannot loose.
I took a big breath then started running this next bridge. I had made it almost halfway across when I heard a car turn the corner behind me, and the bright lights outlining my shadow in front of me. My heart jumped and I picked up my speed. Okay this was the fastest I've ever run. The car was coming closer, and I couldn't do anything. I flung George over the side of the railing and increased my speed again as the truck came closer. I had thrown George over the side so that the passers by wouldn't think it odd to see a young girl running really fast late at night with a stick, but now I regretted it very... very much.

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