Chapter 10- Telling them

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Chapter 10- Telling them

Today was a lazy day. We all just enjoyed each others company. El came over to me and whispered 'You have to tell them.' I knew she was right. They didnt know and being like a month along, I was going to show soon.

"Hey, um, everyone, I have an anouncement to make." I said. Their heads all turn to me.

"Madison, what are you doing?"

"I am kinda, well, this sounds terrible but it wasnt my fault or choice, please dont hate me, but I am pregnant. But its not what you think. I was raped. By Hunter." I said. I had to get it out there. They have to know.

"Well its just a child. We can all help you. One more person on tours and things wont make a difference." Liam said. Thats what my problem is Liam. Its not just one!!

"Well thats the thing. Its kinda, sorta, more than one." I said. I had to throw it out there.

"Ok, so two more. Big deal. Its not like you have a whole bunch in there." Zayn said.

"Uh more like triplets. Theres three in there. I know 3 doesnt sound like much but I am 16 and I dont think thats a small number of children for a 16 year old." I said. Harrys grip tightened in support on me.

"Show us your tummy!" Louis screamed.

"Uh, I'm only like a month." I said but Harry pulled my shirt up anyway. I guess there was a tiny bump. But then again I was super skinny anyway and being triplets I was going to be big anyway.

"Beautiful. Dont worry. I will be by your side the entire time. I promise." harry said then kissed my stomach. I was happy to be free.

"What about the stares and the press. Harry I cant face the press like this. WHat will everyone think?" I asked nervously. I was scared that they would hate me. Everyone. Then they would say Harry is crazy and he should dump me. Or hate him. I cant do that to his career. Oh my god. Im getting sick. I ran to the bathroom with Harry behind me.

"Babe! Are you ok?"

"Yeah." He held my hair while I puked into the toilet.



"So wait, they almost killed you guys?" Zayn asked. Perrie and Dani got home an hour ago.

"They almost killed everyone. We are the only 4 that got away!" We all 4 said in unison.

"Well luckily I am married to food and didnt go threw having my girlfriend getting kidnapped!" Niall said trying to lighten the mood.

"What about being kidnapped and cut and beat?!" We asked.

"Well that too. Duh." Niall said. Wow... Niall is so sensitive. I think he is my favorite... Note the sarcasm! He just needs to sit there quietly and eat his food.

"What is the matter with you?! Us 4 have gone threw alot in the past 2 months and it seems like none of you care! Like we are picking off where we left off! This is a serious matter! AND MADISON IS PREGNANT!!Open your eyes! We have stuff that needs to be taken care of! I know you guys are just trying to lighten the mood and lift the stress off our shoulders and make us happy, but this was a god-awful experience! This could have been the end! For all 4 of us! Actually 7 of us! Pull it together! We love you all dearly, and Niall I know you love food, but get a life. Honestly. Food might hate you. You dont know. And Lou, how about a proper welcome home not a go in the house. Liam, you are normally the best at being polite but all you've done is mope around all day. Not one care that we are all home. Harry, you are the only one I am not pissed at. Zayn, put the mirror down and aknowlege us! We were gone for 2 months and you havent even payed us any attention! I have yet to see anyone of you actually give us a proper convo. Its always 'I wonder whats on tv?!' We need to go to the police!!" El exploded. She was right though. It drives me nuts that they care but not enough to pay attention. They all look at us with wide eyes. I bite my lip to prevent the smile trying to form on my lips. The same smile I tried to hide on Harry and I's 3rd date when he asked me to be his girlfriend.


"Hey Maddie" Harry smiled widely at me. His dimples showing threw. I was so excited to still be going out with him. Normally guys think I am to stuck up for them and say that it wont work out. Except my 1st boyfriend Alex. He and I went out for like a year. Then I got my modeling job and moved.

"Hey. So you never told me where we are going." I said. All he told me was to dress up nicely and be ready at 6:30.

"Its a surprise!! You cant know yet!!" He said and smiled really widely. I looked at the window with wonder. We drove for a while and I eventually closed my eyes.

"Here out this over your eyes." Harry handed me a blindfold. I took it and put it on carefully. We drove for a bout a half hour more and stopped in a huge field.

"Take it off." I took the blind fold off to see a huge feild with a wood line about 3 miles out. A huge oak tree was in the middle of the feild with a huge dinner on the ground below it. The sun was just about to set when we arrived. I had a hard time keeping my face from being taken over by a smile. I smirked alittle but wouldnt let this huge smile out yet.

"Here." Harry gave me his hand to take. I grasped his hand as we started walking towards the huge tree. I was in a blue dress that was layered with navy blue and white ruffles. I was in love with this place and being all dressed up and Harry was right beside me. I couldnt ask for anything more. It was perfect.

"Wow Harry its so beautiful!" I exclaimed. It truely was.

We had just finished eating the spaghetti that he had made and started talking.

"So, Madison, I know that this is our third date and this is hard for me to say but... um.."

"You think I am a stuck model and never want to see me again? Ok, well this was fun." I start to stand up alittle dissapointed but Harry grabs my waist and pulls me back down.

"No I was going to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend." He smiled and those dimples popped out.

"Oh. Uh, yeah. Yes!" I said. I smiled and he grabbed my hand to pull me to my feet. I figured since it was about 10 that we would get going, but instead he grabs my face and kisses me. I knew it was the best night of my life.

*Flashback over*

"Harry, I want you to tell me something." I said. We were laying in his bed. We had just had a heated arguement about us girls being kidnapped. We won. Girl power! Hehe.

"What might that be?" Harry asked me. I looked straight in his eyes.

"Do you still want to be with me after I have the triplets? Like will you still love me? Support me?" I asked. I wasnt sure how to ask this but I needed to know.

"Absolutely. In fact I am sort of excited. I mean like its early and unexpected but I think its going to be ok. I will try to be the best father ever. That is if you want me to be the father?" Harry said. It brought tears to my eyes. I was so happy to hear that.

"Of course. Hunter needs to die." I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead. Before I knew it I was asleep

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