Chapter 1- The job

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"Mom! Are you home?! I have big news!" I screamed through the house. My mother walked around the corner. I held my acceptance letter up. I had gotten into the best modeling agency in the country. I was going to California to start. Apparently I had gotten the job in a music video. That was exciting. But I wish they would tell me who the video was for. They say its confidential. Ugh. But it was still great news!

"Madison honey thats great!" My mom came straight to me and gave me a hug.

"I am so proud of you!" My mom said and let go and smiled. I was excited. I left in two weeks.

"So can I have some food now? Just some strawberries is all." I asked my mom. In order to keep the body I have I have to diet and exercise a lot. It was hard to do it but its worth it. I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink. I was still pretty hungry. I had eaten before I got home but regardless  I was in need of food.

*End of flashback*

"Give me the knife!" The man yelled. I was so scared. Was this it? Was this the end? What was happening? I looked down to see I was tied to a chair. The man came over to me. He had then knife in his hand and boy let me tell you, it was sharp. He came really close and kissed my cheek. Ew. Who was this man? The knife got lowered and he put it on the rope that tied me to the chair. My wrists hurt because of the restraint. He slowly cut into the rope and let my hands free. However, I just let my hands sit where they were. I wasnt going to do anything yet. I didnt want to killed. I was nervous that I would. This man was really tall and muscley. I had no doubt in my mind that he would try. It scared me to think that if I moved he would kill me.I just have this weird feeling that this is the end of my life. California was a cruel place. I didn't like it here. Maybe because I am in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. That was probably it. Yeah I'll bet thats it. I am in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere with 3 mysterious men that could possibly kill me. Stay strong Maddie. He moved down down to my feet to cut that rope too. I was completely free. There was a piece of duct tape over my mouth though. I just sat there for a second. I was too scared to move.

"Now that she is awake and untied, I think that it is time to start." The second man said.

"Allen. I thinks its too early. She might not be ready." The man said. What did that mean? What were they going to do?

"The drugs wore off. She should be fine. Give me the other knife and the bag." The man said. Oh my god! He was going to cut me! thats not right!

"Fine. Keep her here." The man disappeared into the next room. Or outside. I couldn't see too well. I was still loopy from the drugs. I was worried they would let me bleed to death.I was going to die.

"Here. But don't go too deep yet. We don't want to hurt the bone yet." I was now more nervous than ever. They had the knife right there. In their hand. I was scared. Really scared. They were going to kill me. He brung the knife close to my wrist and whispered to me.

"It will only hurt a little bit. Trust me." Why would I trust him?!?! He was going to cut me! He was going to let me bleed! Who does that? He kidnapped me, is going to cut me, and who knows what else, and wants me to trust him. Jeez very trustworthy. He took the knife and cut into my wrist. Blood ran freely down my arms. He took something out of the bag and wiped my arm. It stung really bad. It was probably another drug. My tears were dripping off my face and onto my shirt. It hurt so bad. The sting didn't help either. After a few minutes on bleeding, I got loopy and fell asleep again.



When I woke up again I looked at my wrist that had been previously bleeding. They had a bandage over it and had left the room. With my free hand I did something I should have done a long time ago. Take the duct tape off my mouth. I moved around for a second when I heard voices coming from the hallway. I put my hands on my lap and the duct tape on my mouth and sat quietly again. I was so scared I almost peed myself. The three men came to me again and told me to take the duct tape off my mouth. I took it off and put it on my jeans. They came closer and started asking me questions. Should I answer them truthfully? Please Harry burst through that door. Please.....

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