Chapter 11- You just dont understand

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Chapter 11- You dont understand

"Ugh.." I yelled. I was currently in the bathroom with the worst pain ever and throwing up. Harry was on the phone with the doctor. She was so nice. I just need her to help. It hurts and thats making me nervous. What if I lost them? I mean I dont really want to have them but I dont want to lose them. It hurts!

"Harry!! Ow!! Help!!" I screamed in pain. I started to cry again. Niall ran in due to all my screaming. He held my hand and helped me. Harry gave Niall the death glare for this. Not the time boys really.

"She wants you at the hospital now. Niall help me get her to the car. I need to get her there." Harry demanded. I got up from the bathroom floor really slowly. Harry looked at me and whispered encouraging words in my ear.



"Alright, good thing you got her here when you did. She could have had a miscarige. Luckily we got her treated. So congrats. However, we have some bad news. Your tests show that you were so ill for a reason. You have cancer. We are so sorry." My doctor said. I feel like I have been stabbed. Not only do I have 3 humans growing inside me, I have a virus in me. This is even harder. I started to cry.

"So if I dont make it..." I started. My tears taking over. Harry sitting next to me crying as well pulled me into a hug. I didnt want to move. I was so mentally broken. This is where I quote Switchfoot, in his song The war inside.

'Every fight comes from the fight within

I am the war inside

I am the battle light

I am the rising type

I am the war inside'

I love that song. I think that staying strong is key. Thats what got me through the kidnapping. If I hadnt been arrogant and strong, I would have been killed. I can already feel it.

"Oh, sweety, dont think like that. Your case is the smallest case I have seen in a patient. Dont worry. We can have you take the right medicine and you should be fine. The triplets will be fine. Speaking of which ready to do the altra-sound?" My doctor said. I was nervous about this. I wonder how long until you can tell gender... I want to know. I am already thinking of names. I was about 3 months now. So probably 8 more weeks. I think for girls, Jayden Miranda, Alexia Rothman, and Sky Anne. For boys I think Dawson Marcus, Aiden Mckinley, and Dallas Andrew. Harry and I have agreed on Jayden and Aiden but arent sure about the others. I hope I have all the same gender. Hopefully. But I will love them anyway.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I lift my shirt and she put the cold jelly on my stomach. Three babies appeared on the screen again. I was forced to look. They all looked so peacful. I looked at Harry who was now smiling at the screen.

"Perfect. They are all healthy. You are 15 weeks along! Congrats! In about 5 weeks I should be able to clarify genders for you." She walked out of the room again.

"So, are you ok?" Harry asked. I looked at him with a glare.

"I have cancer and am pregnant with triplets. Did I ever tell you I am 16? Yeah cause I am. I cant do this. Didnt you ever hear that my best friends mom had cancer and died at birth when she had her? Well thats what happened. I cant even bare the thought of I only have until the babies are born to live and they wont have a mom. Think about that. Let that sink in." I said in an abviously annoyed tone.

"Babe, she said that you had one of the mildest cases she even seen. Thats great. After a few rounds of meds you will be fine. I promise. They have some of the best doctors here."

"Harry. I know you are being supportive, and I highly appreciate it. I do. But you dont understand. I have had this happen. I have twice. I was there the second time. I visually saw the family fall apart because the mom died while giving birth due to cancer. I cant just think my case is different!" I broke down again. This time falling down to my knees. My bump was pretty big now. I gained almost 30 pounds since I got pregnant. Harry rushed to me. There in the floor I knew what I had to do. I had a sudden burst of encouragment. I needed to fight. I needed to overcome cancer and live through the birth of my children. Speaking of which, my mom. What did happen to her.

"Harry? What happened to my mom?" I asked Harry.

"She, um, They killed her." He said. They what? How could they just.. ah.

"They wh-wh-what?" I stuttered out.

"They killed her." He said. No. I.. Just.. This cant be happening.

Harrys pov

"Harry? What happened to my mom?" Madison asked me. Oh my god. How was I supposed to tell her that they killed her? Did I ever mention the carpet in this hospital is red. Kind of a terrible color. Like why red? Why not like yellow? Or like blue? I mean if you think about it they could do both and make green. Green is pretty. But not like super pretty just like a cool color. I should probably be serious again. Did you realize serious has 3 vowels right next to each other? I,O,and U. Thats weird. Anyway.

""She, um, They killed her." I said. I wasnt ready for her reaction.

"They wh-wh-what?"

"They killed her." SHe started crying harder. Oh boy...

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