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February 14th, 1997

(Brendon's POV)

Valentine's day is always filled with love. My parents are in their best moods, dancing, singing, and don't forget the chocolate! They go out every year and have a romantic dinner together.

The only downside is I'm left alone with my older siblings for four hours. Every year it's always them picking on me, the youngest. I try my best to play along, but sometimes, when it comes to my older brothers, the bullying becomes violent. And how could I, a small nine year old have anything against them. I'm weak.

Four hours later: 6:00 p.m.

I follow my parents all the way out the door, pleading to come with them. I tugged on my mothers blouse, despite the thousands of times she said no. Still, I pursue.

"Hey Dallon." I hear a voice from behind call out. I look behind me, and then quickly spin my head back around, burying my face into someone's chest.

I look up. He's tall. Looks about my brothers age. I kind of just stand there and stare, not quite sure what to do.

"Oh, hello Dallon!"

My mother says as she hands him $20.

"We'll be home around ten. You're free to eat whatever you like, and I'm sure Brendon can show you around the house."

Just then I see all my siblings pile into one car, my parents in another, and they all drive off.

Confused, I walk back into my house, trying to ignore the fact that I was ditched by my entire family. Forget what I said about love.

Dallon followed me into the house, placing his bag on the counter.

"So what's on the menu for tonight?"

He says as he examines the cupboard.

"How 'bout mac 'n' cheese?"

I let out a quick nod, not trying to show too much enthusiasm, but that's my favorite.

He starts up the stove and I, trying to avoid the awkward silence, turn on The Simpsons.

Dallon is immediately caught off guard by the sound of the TV turning on.

"Ooh! I love this show!" He says plopping a seat on the couch next to me. He starts to reach into the bowl of popcorn I have sitting on my lap, but I, being the selfish person I am, slap his hand away. He laughed a little, and then took the popcorn straight out of my hands and ran with it.

I quickly rose out of my seat and chased him all around the house. I was fairly angry. A lot of anger in such a small body. But this all changed when I see him trip right in front of me and fling the bowl of popcorn in the air, spilling it everywhere. I couldn't help but break out into laughter.

He was laughing as well, staring back at me. As much as I tried to have a bad mood, I couldn't help but smile.

The timer on the microwave went off, and Dallon quickly ran over to the stove and turned it off.

As he was dishing out the mac 'n' cheese, I took a seat at the table and annoyingly tapped my finger nails on the tabletop, while I impatiently awaited my favorite meal.

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