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(Brendon's POV)

I followed Mason up to my room. I was worried about what he was going to talk to me about. Did something bad happen? He wouldn't do this unless it was really important.

"Hey bro. There's something I wanted to talk to you about." Mason says gently.

"Okay." I say back, fiddling with my phone so I don't have to look at him. But he notices and he takes my phone and tosses it onto my bed, forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"I know we don't always see eye to eye on everything, but I think it's important that we talk about this." Mason continues, while I'm still confused as to what he wants to talk about.

"So Dallon, you seemed eager to see him. Are you guys close?" He asks, very interested.

I didn't know where he was going with this. "Well, not really. I mean, we've just been reacquainted. I'd like to be though." I respond.

Mason looks at me with a pitiful smile. "Brendon I saw your messages with Jenna." He sighs.

"Oh." I whisper.

"Brendon, please don't take offense to what I'm about to say, I'm only trying to help, but do you think you might... be gay?"

That was not at all what I was expecting to come out of his mouth.

"Of course I'm not! I have a girlfriend." I scream as I jump onto my feet.

"Brendon, calm down! You don't have to prove anything to me. If you say you aren't, then I'll believe you. But I just want to let you know that if you are, it's okay."

Why was he being like this. He's always been so terrible to me. I was so confused, about more things than one.

"What made you ask me that?" I asked, still in a loud tone of voice.

"Well, like I said, I saw your messages with Jenna, and what it sounds like is, you couldn't get off?"

I was so embarrassed. I quickly stormed out the door. I pulled out my phone and called Jenna.

"Hey Jenna, can I come over?" I ask when she answers.

"Yeah, my parents still aren't home so I'd like it if you could come keep me company." She says.

"I'll be there in 5." I say as I hang up the phone, grab my keys, and storm out of the house, without looking back.


Terribly Written Smut Warning

When I get to Jenna's house, I am overwhelmed with emotions. I was crying so hard and I didn't know why. I'm going to prove to everyone that I am not gay.

When she answers the door, I immediately greet her with a kiss. I push her into the house and kick the door closed behind me. I can feel her smile peeking through. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls away from the kiss.

"Wow, what's gotten into you Brendon." She says with a giggle.

"I just want to make sure we end this night right." I say back, continuing the kiss.

After about two minutes, she breaks away and takes me by the hand. She pulls me into her bedroom and begins to lift my shirt, kissing my abdomen softly. I push her down onto the bed and rip off my shirt, and she does hers. I jump on top of her and begin kissing her neck. After that, she pushes me off of her and climbs on top of me. She goes to unbutton my pants, and I can tell by the expression on her face that I'm not there yet. She begins to grind on me for support.

I look up at the ceiling, noticing her poster of Harry Styles shirtless. I stare at it and let my imagination do the work for me. All of a sudden I can feel the pressure hit my underwear. I can tell this is a good sign when I notice the expression on her face change.

She pulled down her underwear and began thrusting her hips. She noticed I wasn't looking at her, and I was looking at the ceiling, so she grabbed the nape of my neck and pulled me into her view.

I couldn't keep going. I closed my eyes and I thought about Dallon. I pictured his wet, bare chest from the night of the storm. I pictured his soft lips pressed up against mine. I pictured the way I undressed him, pulling off his jeans, then his underwear-

"Oh, Dallon." I moan.

Everything stops. She jumps off of me and throws a blanket around her.

"Jenna I'm sorry! It was an accident! I didn't mean-"

"Get out Brendon!" She screams.

"But Jenna, wait, I'm-"

"NOW!" She screams again, her eyes becoming watery. I throw my clothes on as quick as I can and run out of her house.

What have I just done?

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