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The Next Morning

"Brendon wake up! We're going to be late to church!" My mother yelled.

I slowly pushed myself out of bed and groggily did my morning routine. Threw on some clothes, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and scarfed down a toaster waffle. My whole family all piled into our mini van and headed to church. Since I was the youngest I had to sit in the middle seat, squished my my giant two older brothers.

Car rides with my family are interesting. Unlike family dinner, we don't speak... At all. It's a very awkward 10 minutes if you ask me.

I had a burning question since my talk last night with Dallon, and it couldn't wait. So I broke the silence.

"Mom, is it okay to be gay?"

I could see her eyebrows raise through the rear-view mirror.

"Why do you ask?" She said, clearly uncomfortable.

"I don't know, I hear people talk about it all the time at school."

My siblings were staring me down and my dad had his eyes fixated on the road, trying to ignore the whole conversation.

"Well, God says that for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman, is an abomination." My mother said sternly.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I just feel bad for Dallon.

"Queers are disgusting!!" My Brother shouted from the back of the van.

"Quit being a Dickhead!" My sister shouted back at him.

"SHUT UP!! IT'S THE LORDS DAY SHOW SOME RESPECT!" My Dad finally broke his silence.

From then on, the car remained silent.


We finally got home from what seemed to be an endless feeling of awkwardness. I quickly darted up to my room to avoid any more confrontations.

I flopped on my bed and threw on my sisters walkman that I stole from her room. I popped in some Weezer and exited the out side world.


"Brendon!! Wake Up!" I was being shaken. I opened my eyes to see my sister hovering over me. I pulled off my headphones and rubbed my eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask in a quiet, raspy voice.

"11:43. I need to talk to you." she responded.

"Can't it wait until tomorrow!?" I whined shoving my face into my pillow.

"It's important." she said as she pulled my pillow out from under my head.

"What was that whole conversation about? Why'd you bring up being gay?"
she asked looking concerned.

"I don't know, I just was curious."

"Do you think you might be gay? Because if so that's okay, despite what Mom and Dad might say. You will always have my full supp-"

"I AM NOT GAY!!" I loudly whispered because it was late.

"Okay! Okay! Jeez! I was just trying to talk to you. Goodnight Bren."

I feel bad for going off on her like that. She was just concerned and trying to let me know she was there for me.


The Next Morning

I was awaken by the rattling of my bed. I see my mother hovering over me.

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