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(Brendon's POV)

I get home from Jenna's, still completely mortified from the whole thing. I feel awful.

It's only 6 so I still have time before dinner, my brothers are coming by tonight for family dinner. I'm not exactly looking forward to it. We still don't have a very good relationship. We just don't have anything in common.

I go up to my bedroom to change into nicer clothes. My parents said it was formal. I pick out my old suit I got when I was only a freshman. I haven't grown much since then so it fits quite nicely. I put on my purple tie and my dads old dress shoes. I go to fix my hair. I decided not to go with the 'emo' look I usually have, but instead I comb it back, looking like a greaser.

I go downstairs greeted by my brothers standing in the doorway. I just let out a small "hey" and then walked off into the kitchen. My sisters are waiting in there with my parents. "Are we ready to go!?" My mother shouts. We all nod and pile into the van, and just like old times, I'm stuck in the back with my brothers. Fantastic.

We arrived at the restaurant. It looked like you had to be a millionaire just to get a reservation. We took a seat at our table, the napkins we're more neatly folded than my clothes.

"It's so nice to have the family back together!" My mother speaks up. I never enjoyed family dinners, every time without fail my brothers would find something to poke fun at about me. Maybe they've matured.

"So Brendon..." and, here we go. "How's Jenna?" Mason asks. "She's good, she just recently asked me to Prom." I say, trying to forget what happened recently.

"Hold up... she... asked you?"

"... yeah, why the shock?" I say confused.

"Oh nothing, I just thought you should've been the one to ask her, but fuck gender roles right?" He replies, getting dirty looks from my mother because he just said 'fuck'.

"Ha, ha, buttfuck" Matt laughed, earning eye rolls from the rest of my family.

"Can we please just have a nice dinner, without fighting?" My mother asks. We all nod and resume to eating our food. The rest of the night at the restaurant was peaceful and everyone was on their best behavior, but I knew too well that once we exited those doors, all hell would break loose.

The car ride home was quite peaceful as well, they managed to keep their mouths shut for the entire drive.

It was kind of boring, just sitting there, nothing to talk, or yell, about. I pull out my phone, seeing one unread message from Jenna.

Jenna: "Hey Brendon, just wanted to check out how you were feeling after you know, the incident."

I was still embarrassed. How could I ever recover from that?

Me: "Can we please not talk about it?"

Jenna: "Brendon, it's not like it's your fault. You probably just weren't ready for your first time. I'm sure we'll get it right next time ;)"

With that message came a loud "ding" to emit from my phone, which caught the attention of my brother Mason beside me. By the time my brain had processed that, he had already had the time to read the whole conversation before I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Luckily it was very vague. Maybe he doesn't know what we were talking about.

We get back to the house and I rush up to my room, trying to avoid any confrontation from Mason. I can't give him anymore to fuel to his fire.

As I'm laying there on my back, staring blankly at the ceiling, I hear a knock at the door that startled me, causing me to shake out of my gaze. I being the curious one I am, poke my head around the door to see a tall man enter. I can hear the softness in his voice, and I knew there was only one person that it could be.

"Dallon? Is that you?" I shriek. Charging down the stairs. I wasn't very good at masking my excitement. I look at his face, noticing that he doesn't share the same thrill that I have.

"Hey Dallon. Come up to my room so we can talk." Kara says gently as she emerges from the kitchen, and leads him up the stairs. I watch as they go, not taking my eyes off of the handsome man before me.

Brendon what are you saying?

I wanted to stop staring, but I was trapped. It wasn't until Mason came over to me and shook me out of it. Which I met with a glare. He saw me, he caught me. What was I going to do now?

"Hey Brendon. I wanna talk to you, brother to brother. But only if you'll have me." Mason says, sending me into shock. I wasn't sure if I could trust him, but I could see the sincerity in his eyes, and I just couldn't say no.


Hey Guys I'm back! Sorry it's been so long and yeah this is a filler chapter but I think I finally have figured out where I plan to go with this story so just don't you worry! Also leave me your opinions and predictions for what's gonna happen next!
- Amanda

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