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(Dallon's POV)

"Hey Dallon, I'm so sorry about what happened, I understand if you want nothing to do with me after this." Kara says, with tears in her eyes.

As much as I was angry with myself for letting them back into my life, I couldn't leave her, not again. Plus I knew deep down that there was a part of me that missed her, and I was happy to have that void filled again.

"Kara, it's not your fault. It's my fault. I'm not gonna leave you again." I say hugging her tightly, causing me to cry as well.

She releases from our embrace and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad to have you back."

I nod and take hold of her hand. She smiled. And I smiled. For the first time in so long I had genuinely felt happy to be alive.

We go downstairs and turn on a movie. Just like old times, we snuggled up to each other, ate our signature popcorn, licorice, m&m, combo. It was nice having her back like this. It reminded me of the old times, the simple times.

Kyla, Matt, and Mason also watched with us. The only one missing was Kyle. He always sat far enough away so that no one got the idea that we were together, but close enough to where I could hold his hand. I loved the movies for this reason. It was dark, and no one was paying attention to you, so I was almost like for the short hour and forty-three minutes, I was free.

It was so peaceful, not even the screams of terror from the movie could pull me out of this trance. That was until I heard the slam of the door, and the short, raven haired boy was running up the stairs, with sobs that couldn't be masked.

"Guys, I got this." Mason says as he runs up the stairs following Brendon.

I couldn't look away from the top of the stairs, I couldn't help but be worried about him. Kara noticed this and pulled me in closer to her and kissed my forehead, to reassure me that things would be okay. Just like she always did.

(Brendon's POV)

I went straight to my room, without looking back at everyone in the living room. I couldn't hide my cries. Why did I do that!? I just ruined everything.

I lay down in my bed and curl up into a ball. I stuff my face into a pillow to muffle my cries, but it wasn't enough to silence them all.

I hear a creak from my door opening. It was Mason. It startled me a bit. I tried my best to compose myself, because I wasn't about to let Mason see me like this. But clearly my efforts weren't gold enough, because I could see it in his eyes, he knew something was wrong.

Mason took a seat next to me and began to rub circles into my back. Once he made contact with me, I had lost it. I completely broke down into tears. My sobs were loud enough to wake the neighbors next door. Mason wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest.

"Shh, Brendon. It's okay. It gonna be okay." He cooed into my ear.

Once I was able to calm myself down enough, I released myself from his embrace. Why was he doing this to me? None of this would of happened if he hadn't of pushed me.

"Brendon tell me what's going on. I want to help." Mason whispers.

"Why do you even care?" I sniffle, wiping away the excess tears on my face.

"Why do I care? I am your brother, why wouldn't I care?" He says with a laugh, trying to make me calm down some more. But it just angered me even more. I jumped to my feet.

"You wanna know what's going on! I don't know what's going on! Okay!? I don't know what's wrong with me so stop asking!" I freaked.

"I give up!" I break down into tears. I fell to my knees and just sobbed. All of my surroundings had vanished and I was left alone with my thoughts.

You fucked everything up.

I sobbed louder and louder, trying to drown out the voices.

You were a mistake.

It wouldn't work. No matter how hard I tried, nothing could shut them up.

"Brendon, snap out of it!"

I heard another voice. It was my brothers. I looked up at him and he hugged me, tightly. I hugged him back and cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I whimpered in between breaths.

"Hey, hey, hey! You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about." He says back, stroking my hair.

"I'm so stupid! What is wrong with me?" I sob.

He grabs me by my shoulders and forces me to face his direction.

"Brendon, look at me. You're not stupid, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you." Mason says sternly.

My breathing was so shaky, I was surprised he understood a word I was saying. Was this it? Is this who I am now? Who even am I?

"I f-fucked up. I really d-did. I-"

"Brendon, you don't have to explain anything to me." He interrupts.

No, I was going to do this. I had to do this. If I don't, who know how longer I'd suppress all of this.

"No. Mason. I'm..." I pause, but recompose.


For a moment, it had seemed the earth had stopped spinning. Everything in the world had come to a halt. But all was resumed when I saw the grin on Mason's face widen, and he pulled me into a hug.

"Ah, I am so proud of you Bren." He says with a slight chuckle. I laughed back. For the first time in my life, I felt free. I felt happy. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. A weight that I didn't even know was there. Something I had just grown accustomed to, and ignored.

We stayed there for a while, with only the sound of our breathing filling the silence.

"Well little bro, it's getting late. I think I'm going to hit the hay. Remember I will always be here for you. There's nothing you can't tell me." He reassures.

As he's walking out the door I stop him. "Mason, wait. Before you go I have something to ask you."

"Of course. What is it?" He questions.

"Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? I've always been just a punching bag to you and Matt, what changed?"

He looked at me with sorry eyes. "Nothing's changed. Let's just say I understand what you're going through."

"What do you mean by that? I just confided in you, I'm not about to let you walk out of this one that easy." I say with a devious smirk.

"Fine, I'm seeing someone, who may or may not be a dude." He sighs.

Almost immediately a huge grin is plastered on my face.

"So you're gay?" I ask.

"No, I'm bi. But I'm only telling you this because you trusted me, and I trust you. And I trust that you won't go telling anyone about this, deal?"

"Deal." I say without hesitation.

"Alright then. Goodnight Bro."

"Goodnight Mason."

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