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February 14th, 1998

(Dallon's POV)

"Hey! Mrs. Urie!" I shout from across the street.

"Oh hi Dallon!" She yells back.

I walk over to her and we start talking.

"So, have any plans for Valentines?" I ask, trying not to be too invasive.

"Well, I did, but our babysitter cancelled last minute and I can't leave Brendon home alone." She replies.

"Well, I can babysit!" I shout.

"Really!? You don't have any plans for tonight?" She asks.

"Nope." I say back.

"Well, they must be blind, all those girls are sure missing out on a great guy." She says back, causing me to blush.

"I'm sure that's it Mrs. Urie." I say with a giggle.

"Call me Grace" she insists.

"Alright well I better get going, is six okay?"

"Six is perfect! See you then and thanks so much!"

"See ya!"


Five Hours Later: 5:30 p.m.

(Brendon's POV)

I sat on the couch, and stared out the window, excited to hang out with Dallon again. I anxiously waited for him, but time seemed to go so slow.

A few minutes had passed, 10 cars and 6 other people have already passed, but there was no sight of Dallon. Sure it's only 5:40, but I was hoping he'd be a little early.

Moments later, a figure pops into my field of view. It's a teenage boy, but not Dallon. But then I see Dallon following close behind. I am unable to hold still, so excited to see Dallon again.

I keep staring out the window. He's having a conversation with his friend, he's laughing and smiling a lot, it's nice to see him happy. Just then, something unexpected happened. Dallon grabbed his friend by the shoulders and kissed him... ON THE LIPS!!

I wasn't sure what to think. I had no idea what I was looking at. I felt like I was hallucinating, and what I was seeing wasn't real.

I look back out the window once again. Still kissing. I rub my eyes aggressively. STILL KISSING!

I was in complete and utter shock. I see him break off from the kiss and begin walking this direction.

I run from the window and sit on the couch and try to act casual.

What did I just see?

Two guys? Kissing? I'm so confused.

Dallon walked through the door, huge grin on his face. I watch as my mom greets him while I stay back and look casual. I just couldn't wrap my head around this entire thing.

Once everyone had left I decided to turn on the TV. I was trying my best to isolate myself from him, but instead, he took it as and invitation to sit down next to me.

I awkwardly scooted away, which by the look in his eyes confused him.

To avoid the continuing awkwardness, I excused myself to the restroom.

I sat in there, trying to think. I was completely lost. It took me so long to realize what I had just witnessed.

"Dallon is gay?"

I whispered to myself in the mirror. Wow, I've never met a gay person before.

As I was washing my hands I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey you okay there buddy?" He asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah I'll be right out!"

I waltzed out of the bathroom and had a seat next to Dallon on the sofa. There was a few moments of awkward silence, but I decided it was time I finally broke it.

"Hey Dallon, are you gay?"

I asked, not at all subtle.

His eyes grew huge. He looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Um... Why do you ask?" He spoke, trying to be cryptic.

I could tell he was in denial.

"Well, I saw you kiss that boy outside. Is he your boyfriend?"

He sighed.

"Okay Brendon, if I tell you this, you must promise never to speak of it again. Promise?"

He said seriously.

I nodded my head.

"Yes, I'm gay. And yes, he's my boyfriend."

He let out a sigh of relief.

He smiled at me, me later realizing I had a gigantic smile on my face.

"Why so secretive?" I ask.

"Well, it's against my religion. If my parents were to ever find out, I'd be disowned."

My smile immediately disappeared.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. He has to love in secret, because his love isn't accepted by all. It's all stupid. Why should anyone have to live a life they aren't comfortable in? Why can't we all just be free to be ourselves without fear of judgment by the rest of the world?

I don't understand.

Hey Guys I hope you're enjoying this story so far! Let me know what you think about it and your predictions for the next chapter! I have almost three more chapters already written so hopefully I'll actually be able to finish this fic unlike any of my other ones lmao.

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