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Trigger Warning: Talk of self harm and suicidal thoughts, proceed with caution. It's very important to the storyline so if this is triggering for you I suggest you don't read this fanfic.

(Dallon's POV)

How'd I get myself into this mess? I should've said no back at the coffee shop. Why is Kara being nice to me? How could she ever forgive me for what I did?

"So Dallon, what's new?" Boyd asks. Grabbing my attention away from my thoughts.

"Well, I just started working at the new coffee shop The Shack" I respond nervously

"Any girls in your spare time?" Boyd asks.

My palms begin to get sweaty. Do I tell them?

"No, no girls."

"Aren't you like 22? You really need to get out there." Grace speaks up.

"Yeah I know, but I-"

"Hey! Leave him alone about it. Okay!"
Kara cuts me off.

"Okay jeez! Sorry, was just trying catch up." Grace explains.

My heart starts racing. C'mon Dal, these aren't even your parents and they were okay with it. You'll be fine.

"It's okay Kara. I don't have a girlfriend because I'm.. Gay." I say, letting out a short sigh of relief.

"Oh, okay. Well, any boys?" Boyd asks.

"No none of those either." I say with a laugh.

"Well then, we've got cake, I'd say we cut into it!" Grace speaks up.

"I AGREE!" Brendon shouts.


I'm just sitting there on the sofa, minding my own business as Kara and her parents talk, when Brendon plops a squat right next to me, almost causing me to drop my plate.

"Hey Dallon, can we talk?" Brendon asks.

"Yeah, I mean now? Here? What about?" I question.

"I want to know what the hell happened seven years ago man." Brendon explains.

"Wait, you don't know?" I say confused.

He shakes his head.

What do I do? I spent years trying to forget what happened. I should've never came here, I can't do this.

"I'm sorry I can't do this anymore." I get up from the couch and grab my jacket. "Goodbye everyone it was nice to see you all again."

"Bye Dal-" I shut the door before he could even finish his sentence. But I forgot something, I came here with Brendon.


(Brendon's POV)

"What the hell just happened?" Kara asks me.

"I don't know! He just said that... he can't do this anymore. What does that mean?" I ask.

"Brendon! Are you serious? What did you say to him!!" Kara screams.

"Kara what happened seven years ago that no one is telling me about!?"

Her face went from angry to saddened in just a split second.

"Brendon... that's something he needs to tell you, not me." she explains.

At that moment, a huge thunder storm began, and rain poured. We all drew our attention to outside the window, and low and behold, Dallon is standing there on the sidewalk.

"What is he doing out there?" My dad asks.

"I drove him here." I sigh as I grab a jacket and run out the door.

"Dallon! Get out of the rain!" I scream trying to get his attention. But he doesn't move. "DALLON!" I scream once more. After about 30 seconds without receiving and answer I run up to him and try to physically shake him out of this state he's in.


"I can't do this anymore..." he mumbles as he looks up from the ground. The raindrops masking the fact that he's been crying.

"I know, you said that. But what is 'this' supposed to be"

"Life! Brendon! You wouldn't understand if it hit you in the back of the head." He yells as he breaks down again.

I wrap my arm around him and pull him inside.

As I walk through the door, they all immediately jump to their feet. "What's going on!" Kara mouthes to me.

I mouth back "I got this"

I guide Dallon up into my room and have him sit down on the edge of my bed. He's motionless, and drenched.

He said he can't do... life anymore? He doesn't want to live? Oh Dallon, what happened to you?

I go over to him and rest my hand on his shoulder, he's shaking.

I go over to my dresser and pull out some basketball shorts, boxers, and a hoodie. I toss them to Dallon. "Put these on, you're shaking." I demand.

Still no movement.

After a full minute goes by and he continues to shake, I take matters into my own hands.

I begin to undress him. I take his jacket off, he's so cold. As I'm trying to put the sweatshirt on, I notice scared all up and down his left arm. Oh Dallon.

I remove his jeans and underwear, looking away because he's probably just as uncomfortable as I am right now. I slip the boxers and shorts on and finally I can look back at him. His facial expression still hasn't changed.

I wrap a blanket around him seeing as his teeth are chattering.

I sit down next to him and wrap my arm around him. "Dallon, please talk to me. You can't keep whatever is going on bottled up for long. Just tell me what happened!?"

Dallon, finally, looks up from the ground, and I see his lips trying to form words. I see tears starting to form once again. He squeezes hus eyes shut and let's out a long and seemingly painful sigh.

"I- it's a long story."

Okay how are you guys liking this so far? Please let me hear some feedback on this! Next chapter will hopefully be posted tomorrow, love ya! <3

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