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Triggering References! Plus Hetero Smut Warning (kinda)

(Brendon's POV)

I had a dream about Dallon. I'm so confused. Last night with Dallon made me feel something I haven't felt before. I don't understand. I love Jenna. I can't be gay.

Jenna comes running up to me with open arms. I graciously pick her up bridal style. "Hello Angel" I say as I put her back down. "So how did everything with Kara go?" she asks. "Well, last night was a bit odd. Dallon has one hell of a story."

"What do you mean?" she asks confused.

"Well, he's gay, and... well... his boyfriend killed himself when he was 16. This put himself into a really deep depression, leading to his suicide attempt."

"Wow. That's awful. Be sure he stays away from my man though." she says trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I just found out about all of this last night, he was crying into my arms I felt so bad. He was crying so hard I wound up-"

Oh shit what did I just say?

"You wound up what?" She questions.

"Not important, but yeah it was pretty emotional."

nice save brendon.

"Well Okay then..." she says with a laugh.

"So do you want to come back to my place after school?" she asks.

"Yeah sure! I'll meet you by our table after sixth!"

"Alright, well I gotta run, see ya!" she says as she gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks away.


Jenna and I have been in a relationship for over a year now, and we've barely even kissed. And how convenient we're laying down in her bed, without her parents home, watching a movie. I take the opportunity and ambush her with a kiss. I can feel her smile peeking through. She kisses me back passionately. I remove my shirt, but she pushes me away. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" she asks. "Yeah! Why wouldn't I?" I say in between breaths. "Well you are Mr. purity ring. I don't want you to break your promise to god for me." I pry off my ring and toss it away, I then go back to kissing her. I can feel her smiling again.

She removes her shirt, slowly. "Are you ready?" I ask, making sure she doesn't feel pressured. "Yes of course, I love you." She says as she kisses me and pushes me down on the bed. She goes to unbuckle my belt, her hand grazing my crotch, but she freezes.

"Hey umm, Brendon? You alright?" She asks.

It took me a second, but I eventually realized I'm flaccid. "I don't know what's going on." I say, my cheeks becoming red. She laughs. "Bren, it's fine! Why don't I just help you out?" She says as she pulls down my underwear. She begins to grind on me, still nothing. What is happening to me.

She stops after two minutes without change. "I'm so sorry." I say, feeling awful and completely embarrassed. "Am I just not attractive enough?" She asks sincerely. "No! No! Not at all you are absolutely gorgeous! It's probably just nerves, I guess I'm just not ready, I'm really sorry."

"Brendon it's okay it's not your fault, okay. I love you and this changes absolutely nothing." She says as she puts her shirt back on. I awkwardly pull my pants back up, still completely embarrassed.

We awkwardly went back to watching the movie, trying to forget the whole thing. I'm actually mortified why did this happen?


(Dallon's POV)

I wake up groggily. I didn't get too much sleep with what all was on my mind, plus I had to sleep on the floor so that just added to my restlessness. I roll over and look at the alarm clock. My vision blurry, I rub my eyes to see that it's... 9:30!!!

Shit! Shit! Shit! This can't be happening! I can't be late again I've only had this job for a week.

"KARA!! WAKE UP!!" I yell through the house. I'm terrified, I'm going to get in so much trouble! This can't be happening!

Kara walks out of her room slowly rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" She asks in a raspy voice.


Immediately after I go off on her like that she bolts down the stairs and grabs her keys. I toss on my still wet uniform and hope no one will notice.

I jump in the car and fix my hair the best that I can. I look like actual shit, there's no way they're going to let me get away with this.

Kara doesn't take her time. She goes at least 10 over the whole way and I'm pretty sure she ran a few stop signs.

I run through the back doors, I'm an hour late. Everyones eyes are darted directly at me. Mike, the manager, walks over to me, clearly pissed off. "I'm so sorry sir! I overslept my alarm and I got here as quickly as I could and-" he cut me off.

"You look like shit Dallon! This is your second time being late, not to mention leaving before your shift had ended yesterday. This was the final straw. You've only worked here for a week and managed to get yourself fired, well done. Now go home." He shouts, the rest of the room silent. I turn around and walk away, my eyes filling with tears. I'm such a failure.

I walk out to my car that was left there from last night and drove home. I should've never went back to the Urie house.

I go home, greeted by a shocked Breezy. "Dallon! What the Fuck! Why are you home so early?! And why didn't you come home last night! What is going on!?"

I felt bad, she was completely left in the dark. She was probably so worried.

"I'm sorry, I went to see an old friend and I stayed the night." I respond.

"Okay, you should've told me! I was worried about you, you're not exactly in a good place right now."

I put my head down. "I'm sorry..." I mumble.

"Next time just tell me okay, I love you. Now why are you home so early?" She asks.

I sigh. It's just now settling into my mind. "I got fired." I confess under my breath.

I look up and see her eyes widen. "Oh Dallon! I'm so sorry." She hugs me. "What happened? Please tell me hun."

I go to sit on the couch. I bury my head into my crossed arms on my lap. I groan. Breezy sits next to me and begins to rub my back in comfort. I lift my head and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"It's my fault. I was late, and it wasn't the first time. I idiotically left work early yesterday to see an old friend, which was a horrible idea. It brought back too many memories."

"Who is this friend exactly?" She asks.

"It's Kara, a friend from high school. She tried to help me through everything that happened with Kyle, but I didn't let her. She was the only one who knew and the only one who could help, but I pushed her away and never spoke to her again after my attempt. And seeing her brought back all those bad memories and all the guilt I have insisted of me and I just can't handle it, I can't."

Breezy interlocked her fingers with mine. "Hey, Dal, I know that you've had a pretty shitty life, but you've just got to get back up. You always have people like me around, and it sounds to me like Kara wants you around too. I think you two should really make up so you can finally have the closure you need. Things won't get better until you do. And I'll be here every step of the way hun, don't you worry." Breezy says in a reassuring tone. She hugs me tightly.

"I love you Breezy." I whisper in her ear.

"I love you too you big ol' cutie."

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