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/Brendon's POV/

God, I can't help but think about her. She's one of the best people I've ever met. I tapped my fingers on my desk as I waited for fourth period to end, watching the clock anxiously. The bell rang and I flung out of my seat, trying to get to the history room as soon as possible.

I turned the corner and saw Mona walking out while looking at her phone. I walked up to her, as she glanced up from her phone and put it in her pocket.

"Hey!" she smiled happily.

"Hi. Do you want to go get something to eat since school is technically over for both of us?" I asked, mentally slapping myself. I could have just asked, I didn't need an explanation..

"Yeah, sure. That sounds fantastic." she exclaimed. It made me melt how happy she was to accept my offer. We started to walk toward the door. "So, how was class?" she asked.

"Boring. We had a substitute. I swear, he was like, 70." I chuckled.

"Ugh. I hate substitutes. One time in middle school this sub threw a textbook at a student." she giggled. My eyes widened,

"They did? Holy shit.." I laughed. I couldn't help but glance over at her sparkling green eyes. I sighed and looked back up as we reached the door. I gentlemanly opened the door for her, "M'lady." I smiled. She giggled and stepped through.

As I lead her to my car I felt a small hand grasp mine. I looked down to see it was Mona's. I glanced at her and I saw she just sighed and avoided my stare. I grinned and unlocked my car when we got near. I once again, held the door open and I got in on the other side.

"Your car is super tidy, holy shit.." she gawked at my clean car, "I never noticed that yesterday."

"Yeah, if I don't keep it clean my mom will get pissed at me." I snickered.

As I start to pull out of the parking lot I ask, "McDonalds?"

"Sure!" Mona hasn't stopped smiling since we met up in the halls. She pulled out her phone and sighed unhappily, her smile fading

"What's wrong?" I wondered.

"Nothing... My mom said my cat is sick again.." she replied, her fingers stabbing at her tiny flip-phone keyboard. I nodded understandingly and let her concentrate on that.

I pull into a parking space. The McDonalds isn't that far from the school luckily. She got out before I could open the door for her,

"Hey, that's my job!" I snicker.

"Too slow." she stuck her tongue out at me. At least I held the door for the restaurant for her.

"What would you like? I'll pay." I smiled.

"You don't have to." she retorted.

"I want to."

"Fine." I sighed dramatically. She smirked in victory. I grasped her hand and I saw her smile enlarge from my peripheral vision.


As we sat down at a table, I observed as Mona eagerly opened her kids meal. I laughed at the view of a seventeen year old eating a kiddy meal.

"WHOA!" she exclaimed, pulling out a Pokémon toy that included a Pokémon card. "This is sick!" I chuckled at her child-like behavior. I open led my wrap carefully and took a bite. I glanced over to see she's typing at her phone again.

Deciding to cheer her up, I put my wrap down and pulled my hoodie's hood up. I tigtened the strings so you could only see my nose. I could barely see through the tiny hole. Mona set her phone down and looked at me while taking a sip of her iced tea. She choked and was laughing really hard. I joined in on her laughter.

"What the hell are you doing?" she managed between laughs. I shrugged happily and removed my hood from my head. I finished my wrap and I reached over and held her hand while we both ate our fries.

"Brendon.. do you want to come over tonight?" she asked nervously. I smiled, I've known her for only two days and she already feels comfortable enough to invite me to her house.

"Sure." Her face calmed as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders. Her lips formed a grin that stretched from ear to ear. As we were leaving the McDonalds, she stood on her tip toes and pecked me on the cheek. I grinned as we walked back to my car.

/Mona's POV/

I was both excited and nervous for Brendon to meet my mom and dad. For the entire car ride, we both jammed out to some Fall Out Boy and Blink-182 from his MP3 player. When we pulled into my driveway, I noticed he seemed nervous as well.

"Don't worry, my parents are chill." I reassured him. His face relaxed and he nodded, leaning over and placing a quick kiss on my lips. My cheeks redened as we got out of the car. I opened the front door and called for my parents,

"MOM! DAD!" I yelled. I heard footsteps from the kitchen. The warm faces of my parents greeted us as they rounded the corner.

"Hi!" they both say, directed toward my boyfriend. God, I love calling him that.

"Hi Mrs. and Mr. Hart." he shook their hands.

"Mum, Dad, this is Brendon. My boyfriend." I was hesitant to say boyfriend because neither of them really liked my previous ones. Their faces stiffened slightly enough Brendon wouldn't notice, I hoped.

"Well, Its nice to meet you Brendon!" my mom said, smiling, "Please, come in." she said, gesturing to the kitchen. We removed our shoes and followed her in.

"So, Brendon. What grade are you in?" Of course, my dad starts off with interrogation.

"Grade 12, just like Mona." he smiled. My father nodded.

Our conversation went on and on, and I was glad to see my parents were seeming to really like Brendon. Perhaps even more than I do.

"Well, I should be going. Its late and a school night. It was wonderful meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Hart." Brendon smiled.

"You too! And please, call me Jane." my mother said shaking Brendon's hand, accompanied by my father, repeating the same action.

"You can call me Jack, son." I could see Brendon's eyes gleam with joy dad called him son. I walked him to the door.

"Well, they like you a lot." I said, leaning against the wall.

"You think so?" he grinned while putting on his running shoes. I nodded.

"Of course." I said, going on my toes to peck him on the lips. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" I asked.

"Yep. See you later, babe." he walks off to his car. They way he said babe sent shivers down my spine. Happy shivers. I walked back up to my room and fell onto my bed. I look around my room at all the posters I have. Green Day, FOB, MCR and more. I slowly drifted off to sleep, a smile still plastered to my face.

Thanks again for reading, here's an extra long chapter for you. I'll be back soon, I promise! Love ya!/

Mona Lisa // B.U Where stories live. Discover now