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I heard Brendon turn the shower off and I sat patiently for him. It was almost midnight so I figured he would be heading to bed soon.

He walked out a few minutes after, fully clothed in pajamas. Jumping on the seat beside me, he smiled as I jumped a little from the impact on the cushion.

"I'm tired. Let's hit the sack?" he suggested. I nodded, fake yawning and rubbing my eyes. He smiled and we walked to his room. We got in his bed, I didn't bother changing. I leaned as close to the edge as possible. He gave me my space, which I was grateful for. I can't believe I'm doing this. But, I need to. I need to escape. I'll miss Brendon, but not as much as I miss happiness. I need to do this.

I waited until I heard him snoring, which meant he was sound asleep. I slipped out from under the covers. I wrote a note with the pen and paper on his night stand,


I need to escape.
I need happiness.
I love you to the moon and back.

I walked out and left it on the kitchen island. Bogart and Penny Lane stared at me from the floor and I patted their heads one last time. I walked to the front door, put my shoes on and grabbed my bag. I'm really doing this. I put my hand on the cold knob, and twisted it. I closed it behind me, and walked down the driveway. I turned around one last time.

"I love you." I muttered before walking down the street. My new life has begun.


/Brendon's POV/

I woke up and rolled over to see that Mona was gone. She must be downstairs. I slipped out of bed and walked out to the kitchen. It was empty, other than a note on the counter.


I need to escape.
I need happiness.
I love you to the moon and back.

I put down the note. She.. She left me? I can't loose her again. I crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it across the room in frustration. I hid my head in my hands. Tears threatened to spill and I pulled out my phone, dialing the first person who crossed my mind.

"Hey Bren."

"Dallon, I need your help."

"What's wrong, dude?"

"Mona.. she... she ran away. She left me again." I said, tears now rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh, well.. We can find her Brendon. She loves you."

"Does she though? How does loving someone mean leaving them in the middle of the night and possibly never speaking to them again?"

"Look, calm down Brendon. We... we can try. She's probably not thinking straight from the grief from Rylie. She couldn't even go to the funeral, so that probably made it worse."

"Okay.. You're right." I said.

"Okay, see ya man."

"Bye." I hung up and put my phone on the counter, immediately crying again. How could she leave me like this? After six years of grief, she leaves me again right after we found each other again? I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer. I opened it and took a swig and leaned against the fridge door.

I slid down to sit on the ground. Penny and Bogart came over to try and cheer me up. but failed to do so. I stood up abruptly and smashed the bottle against the table. Why does love hurt so much? Those words repeated constantly.

Why does love hurt so much?



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