Thank You

1.3K 26 3

Thank you all so so so so much for 10,000 reads. TEN THOUSAND! That blows my mind. Never did I think little me back in 2013, reading fiction stories (not fan fiction) would reach this. I personally think I am a horrible writer but I am glad you all find pleasure in reading my stories. Who knows, maybe one day I'll write a much better story that will surpass the reads on this one, but I never know what to expect. I wrote this book very early 2016 and it's now September 2016. It's insane to me how popular this story has gotten in the past 4 months. It almost doubled in reads and I am so happy. Once again, thank you all so so soooooooo much and I love you all so much you're so incredible. All your comments and votes never fail to make me smile. Thank you!!!! <3

Mona Lisa // B.U Where stories live. Discover now