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/Brendon's POV/

I woke up to find Mona cuddled up to me. I smiled and kissed her on the forehead before reaching for my phone. I had 6 messages..

Bitch: Brenny, baby. Talk to me.
Bitch: Hello? Gosh. Speak to your soon-to-be step mom.
Bitch: Brendon Boyd Urie. Get your fucking ass up and talk to me. We need to discuss an important subject.
Bitch: Fine. Your dad will talk to you.
Dad: Brendon. Meet me at Starbucks in 3 hours. Do not miss it.

I groaned. They seriously want to ruin my life don't they? My dad sent that message 2 hours ago, so I needed to get up. I really don't want my dad to take my car away or anything. I sluggishly fixed my shirt and hair, and grabbed my glasses. I made sure I looked presentable before finding a piece of paper and writing a note to Mona, sticking it on her door. I kissed her cheek before leaving and hurried down the stairs and out the door, as silent as possible.

I drove around for about 45 minutes, killing time before going to Starbucks. I noticed my father's black Chevy in the parking lot. I got out of my car and walked inside, looking around. I spotted him and walked over, not sitting down.

"Brendon." he said coldly. "Have a seat." I reluctantly sat down and stared at him.

/Mona's POV/

My eyes peeled open to see my ceiling. I rolled over, Brendon was gone. I saw a piece of paper on my door so I went to investigate.

Hey. I had to attend to some family stuff. Don't worry about me, if anything goes wrong I'll call you. -B

I sighed. I wish I could help him. I wish we could just run away together, forget about this all. My phone buzzed beside me, a message from my friend Ryan.

Ryan: Hey, do you know of anyone who would be interested in joining my band?

Hmm. Brendon might. I'll talk to him later.

Me: I'll ask them later.

Ryan: Thanks.

I walked back over to my bed and sat down, staring at my surroundings. One more year. One more until I'm off to school. I don't feel like I'm almost eighteen. I still feel like I'm in eighth grade.

I got up to get ready for work at Starbucks. After I finished getting dressed and getting my makeup on, I ran out because I was running behind. The bus just pulled up and I sprinted to it, getting on and paying the driver. I calmly sat down and waited for my stop. My fingers traced the design on the bus seat before I heard the ding, notifying me this is my stop.

I got off and walked in, going to the back to get my apron and then went to the front. I look over and see that Brendon is here with an older man. It must be his dad. I watch from a distance to see what happens when suddenly Brendon stands up and leaves, flipping the man off through the window.

"Janet, I gotta go.. cover for me please." I said to my co-worker and threw my apron aside, running after Brendon.

/Brendon's POV/
(This happened during Mona's shift at Starbucks)

"What do you want." I spat. He scoffed,

"Well, son, we need to speak. About the family. Now you can't be treating Sarah this way. I lo-"

"Shut up. She's only dating you for the money. I don't care if you marry her, I'm never calling her family after what she did to me. You're insane to even think I would fall for this." I raised my tone. His eyebrows raised as he stirred his coffee.

"Well, if that is how you feel." he put his stirring stick down. "Remove your belongings from my house before Tuesday and do not bother apologizing." he said coldly. I scoffed,

"Apologize? What do I need to apologize for?"

"Your childish behavior."

"Whatever. You're the one who's too fucking blind to know when you're being used." I stood up and walked out and saw my father staring at me through the window. I stuck my middle finger at him and kept walking.

I felt a hand and turned around to see Mona.

"Mona?" I asked confused.

"What just happened? I saw the whole thing." she questioned, an eyebrow raised. I scratched my chin and explained the entire thing to her. She nodded understandably. "Brendon?" she piped up.


"Do you want to join my friend Ryan's band?" she asked. My eyes widened. That would be nice to get my mind off things.

"Yeah that would be great!" I qqexclaimed. She smiled before pulling her phone out and flipped it open. Her fingers danced across the keyboard, texting Ryan.

"Okay, he says meet him in half an hour at 23 Maleton."

I smiled. "Got it." I kissed her. "You should probably get back to work." she nodded and ran back inside and I walked to my car, driving to Ryan's house.


/Thanks for reading chapter6. 7 will be out soon, possibly even tonight because I'm bored and have loads of ideas, haha. Anyway, see you soon!/

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