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(Trigger warning: mentions of self-harm)

Brendon and I waited cautiously by my phone waiting for my mother to call. She said she would Skype us after she got the police. Our faces lit up when I saw the call request. I clicked accept and I saw my mother's face.

"Hey, I've got the police on the phone. What's the girls name?"

"Sarah Orzechowski." Brendon said calmly. He's taking this so well, while me on the other hand is breathing like a donkey.

"Okay." She says before speaking into her phone. "They'll track her down. I'm sorry Mona. I know how close you were to Rylie."

"Thanks mom." I said, wiping tears off my cheeks. She smiled sympathetically and ended the call. Brendon hugged me and we went to go get some sandwiches

Skip to last show of the tour
/Brendon's POV/

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah.. yeah I'm fine." She said, shaking out of her emotionless stare at the ground. I rubbed her arm.

"Okay. I love you." I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. I'm really worried about Mona. She's really quiet lately. Its a constant staring contest between her and the floor. I walked up on stage and begun the show.


We finished the set and I walked off to see Mona, sleeping on the floor. I smiled and picked her up carefully and carried her to the dressing room. I laid her down on the couch and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey." Spencer said, taking a swig of his water.

"Hey. That was really fun show, huh?" I say back in my chair.

"Yeah. That crowd was incredible." he emphasized the incredible. "I saw some kid wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt. Think he was a little confused?" he chuckled.

"Haha, yeah probably." I smiled and grabbed a water bottle off the table and opened it.

"Wait.. What are those marks on Mona's arm..?" Spencer asked, pointing at where her sleeve had slid up a bit. I confusingly walked over and carefully slid it up more.

"Mona.." I said quietly. She had been cutting. The skin was still slightly stained with dried blood. My eyes were watering. I'm just the slightest bit glad that they were horizontal, not vertical. Vertical would be on a critical vein and deadly.. I wiped away some tears that were escaping.

I heard Spencer walk out and I buried my head in the couch cushion. I wish I could help her. My tears were salty like a summer day. Mona shifted her weight and I raised my head. She was still sleeping, so I slid her sleeve back down so no one else would see. I stood up and walked toward the door. I glanced back at the beauty on the couch once more before switching the light off and stepping out, closing the door behind me.

"Hey, Spence?" I said, walking up to my best friend.

"Yeah, man?"

"Please, don't tell anyone about her arms." I pleaded.

"Of course dude." he smiled, and patted my shoulder. I returned a smile and we begun packing up our stuff.

/Mona's POV/

I woke up from the rustling noise of bags being packed and closed. I sat up and saw if was Brendon.

"Hey." I said groggily. He turned around,

"Hi! Sleep well?" he asked.

"Yeah.." I said. He came and sat down beside me.


"Yes Brendon?" I said. He stared at me, pain swallowing his eyes.

"Why are you cutting?" he asked. Oh no. He saw. Tears filled my eyes as I broke down.

"I miss Rylie.." I choked out. Brendon wrapped me in his embrace and I cried.

"Look. Let's get you cleaned up and we'll get on the bus." he said. I nodded and stood up. I fixed my hair and wiped my face with sanitary wipes. We walked out and got on the bus, everyone else still in the venue. The giant crowd of screaming fans wasn't helping my situation. Brendon and I turned on a movie, Camp Rock, to get my spirits up.

/A-N/ Fun fact, my cousin is in Camp Rock 2 during the final jam. When Joe starts in the crowd, behind him is a girl with blonde hair and barbie bangs. Yep. That's my cousin./

I wish I could just run away from it all. Start a new life by myself. Wait, I.. I can.


We boarded the plane the next day to go back to the US and I immediately fell asleep.

I woke up as we landed and I was really quiet. When we left the airport, the drive home was silent as Brendon brought me to his house since mine was a horrible place for my mood. He led me inside and he went to the bathroom to shower.

I was thinking now. I could end this all. End my pain. Not with suicide, no no. I can just.. leave it all..

/ah yes thanks for reading! This book only has a few chapters left, but THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL I repeat,
Hope you're enjoying. I've had some difficulties uploading this chapter.. finally it let me upload. Bye!/

Mona Lisa // B.U Where stories live. Discover now