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(Note: Sarah Smiles doesn't exist in this story. Pretend its replaced with Stall Me as a main track.)

Its been to six years since Brendon left Vegas. I haven't heard of him or spoken to him at all. I'm angry at myself for breaking my phone. There was no way for us to communicate, and it was all my fault.

I've pushed past it though. I live with my cousin, Rylie, in Anaheim, where we both go to school. She goes to Bristol University and I go to DeVry.

Rylie was dragging me along to go to a "Vices & Virtues" tour. I had no clue what band, but she was obsessed with them nonetheless. Constantly I hear of how attractive the lead singer is. Brandon I think his name is. He has a nice voice, I had to admit.

"THERE! A parking spot!" he exclaimed, frantically pointing to a open spot. I rolled my eyes and pulled into the spot. She was shaking in her seat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I'M SEEING MY FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME, DUH?" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and tugged my blue hair into a pony. I dyed it a year ago. I was sick of plain brown hair. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car as we walked up to the venue. I handed a man our tickets and we walked through.

"I'm SO EXCITED!" she yelled. I nudged her in the boob and she winced, slapping me. "Ow! Why'd you do that?"

"Trying to calm your tits.." I smirked. She stuck her tongue out at me and we found our section and waited for the show to start. Once again, she seemed like she was about to pass out. I was really amused by how excited she was.

The lights went off and the show started. Since we were in the lawn, I couldn't really see what the band's faces were. They announced they were starting with their first song off the album, and went right to it.

"This song is called The Ballad of Mona Lisa." Rylie whispered to me before she started spewing lyrics along with the other thousands of girls. I looked at the sign behind the stage. Panic! at the Disco.. where have I heard that before? I shrugged it off and enjoyed the song.


The band was actually really good. My favorite one was probably the Mona Lisa one. Its a coincidence it has my name in it. I also really liked the song Trade Mistakes. When the show ended, I was relieved to leave. It got so cramped on the lawn, I felt like I could be trampled any second. We quickly scurried out, Rylie still shuddering.

"THAT WAS SICK! Did you like them?! My favorite song is Stall Me! UGH! They're all so hot! Spencer is my favorite. Its such a shame that Ryan and Jon left after the last album. DID YOU SEE BRENDON? He's SOO HO-"

"Wait, did you just say Brendon?" I cut her off, whipping my head to look at her.

"Yeah! Brendon Urie. He's so hot, right?" she said. My eyes widened.

"That's why the name sounded so familiar.." I muttered.

"What did you say?" Rylie asked.

"N-nothing. Who did you say was also in the band?"

"Oh. There's Spencer Smith. The other two, Ryan Ross and Jon Walker left after their second album, and before Jon there was Brent Wilson." she said.

I can't believe it. They actually made it.. they're fucking famous. But.. how do I explain to Rylie that I once dated Brendon Urie?

Rylie shook me out of my daydreams by dragging me to the car. We drove back to our apartment, and I immediately headed to my bedroom. I pulled out my laptop and opened up Google and started searching up Brendon.

"Holy shit." I murmered. He got hot. I searched through all these images. It turns out it worked out with Pete and now they're best friends with Fall Out Boy. Lucky bastard..

"Hey. I'm going to bed." Rylie said, standing in my door way. I closed my laptop and put it on my night table.

"Okay. Me too. Good night." I said.

"Goodnight." she called before closing the door. I turned off my lamp and laid on my bed for a few seconds before falling asleep.


I really wanted to talk to Brendon again.. After last night I've downloaded some of their songs and holy damn, the boy can sing. Spencer wasn't lying on the day of that dance.

"Rylie?" I called from the kitchen. She walked in,


"Would you want to go to a meet & greet with Panic! today?" I asked. I found some online for a decent price.

Her eyes widened, "Holy shit, YES." she exclaimed. I smiled and confirmed the purchase on my laptop. I hit print.

"Okay, go get the passes off the printer." I ordered. She eagerly fetched them and brought them to me. I put them in my purse for later, as the m&g isn't for another hour and a half.

"I'm gonna go get ready!" she squealed and ran off to her room. I went to my room to do the same thing. I picked out the cutest outfit I could. I curled my hair and did my makeup. We had half an hour left until we had to be there, so we ran to the car and immediately started going.

"Thank you SO much, Mona!" she said. I smiled,

"No problem." I'm not going to tell her the real reason why I bought these passes until later. I needed to talk to Brendon. I pulled into the parking lot, scoring a spot near the front. We stepped out and went inside the building, our passes being approved.

When we walked through, we stood in line. We each got three minutes for a hug, a chat and an autograph. I peered ahead and saw Brendon's gorgeous white smile gleaming while he hugged a fan and autographed their notebook.

Before we knew it, we were at the front of the line. I walked up to the table. He blinked.

"Mona..?" he stared, eyes wide. I stared at him.

"Hi Brendon.."


/Yes another update tonight, one more on its way and I might stop. (maybe..) and look, EXTRA LONG CHAPTERS! Yay! Anyway, after I got the highschool part out of the way I just have a whole pool of ideas so updates will probably be more frequent. Hope you're enjoying it. See ya!/

Mona Lisa // B.U Where stories live. Discover now