I'll Keep You Safe (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

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Natalie (P.O.V)

It all started a couple weeks ago.The day Adrian called me hot and I slapped him.He got really mad and has been trying to get me all summer.He keeps messaging me on Facebook,even though I deleted him.Today I woke up in my apartment,once I turned 18 I left my home and moved into a apartment pretty close to the college I want to go to.I changed into my white peterpan collored shirt and my pink ombre shorts.I put my low rise white Converse,grabbed half of my hair up with a pink bow and headed toward the front office of my neighborhood which the park is right next to.I grabbed my phone quickly on the way out.As I walked there I admired my nieborhood.All the apartment buildings were a solid milky brown.Lots of green grass which is beautiful considering behind the brick walls that gated the community is all dry dessert.My thoughts were interrupted my a phone call.


Other Line:Hi babe.

Natalie:Sorry,wrong number.

Other Line:I don't think so.This is Natalie,isn't it?

I suddenly reconized the michievious voice on the other line.Adrian!How did Adrian get my number?

Natalie:How did you get my number!?

Other Line: That's not important,babe.I know a lot about you.Your phone number,house address...

Natalie:Stop calling me that!And you don't know my house address.

I turned a corner and there he was, with his phone to his ear and a evil smile on his face.

"Oh,don't I?" he asked sarcastically

I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do.I tried to run but he quickly grabbed my arm,swung me around and pushed me up against the wall.

"I don't know why you ever try.I always get what I want." he spoke.His dark brown eyes glaring into my soft green ones.

"Let me go!" I screamed as he held me a few inches of the ground.I had to admit he's really strong.That's one of the things that terrify me about him.

"Don't you just wanna have some fun?" he asked while kissing my neck.

I'm not going to deal with this.I lifted my knee and kneed him in the crotch, really hard.He screamed and dropped me.I fell and quickly got up and ran.I ran I pretty long distance from him and turned the corner of a apartment building.As I turned I bumped into something, or someone.I quickly regained my vision and there in front of me is a curly haired boy with green eyes, just like mine.He looked up at me and smiled.

"Im sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."he spoke in a raspy british accent,that was to die for.

"No it's my fault.I was run-" i was interrupted my a familiar voice.

"Where are you bitch!?"

I quickly got up and started running but was stopped by the curly haired boy.

"What's wrong?"

"Long story, no time" I said as I tried to pull away.

He let go but ran next to me.Im not gunna lie,I'm happy he came with my I'm scared out of my mind.We hit a dead end street and he climbed the brick wall and hoisted me up. On the way up he scrpaped my knee really hard but I didn't say anything.We both sat against the other side of the brick wall, breathing heavily.

"Bitch im gonna find you and when I do.."

I held my breathe as I heard this.I had my hand on the big scraped up knee.

"What's wrong with your knee?"

I took my hand off and he gasped, even i did.It was pretty bad.He looked down on his oversized shirt and found a little hole in it.He pulled it apart and a long strip of fabric was in his hands.He took my knee and gently wrapped it around.

He very gently patted it and said "It'll keep it from getting infected."

I smiled at his and said "Thanks, Im Natalie."

He leaned in closer as he spoke, as if he was about to kiss me. "Im Harry Styles"

Our lips where an half an inch apart when I felt something tugg on my hair "Ouch!" I screamed.

"THOUGHT YOU COULD GET AWAY FROM ME?" Adrain exclaimed as he pulled me over the wall.

"LET HER GO!" I heard Harry scream as he jumped over the wall.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

Harry seemed to tense up at this question and walked straight toward Adrain who now put me down and walked to Harry.I thought to myself, RUN YOU IDIOT! But my feet seemed frozen to the ground.Haryy swung at Adrain and hit him right in the face.He got on top of him punching him repeatly.I honestly wanted him to beat Adrain to death, but I couldn't wantch this.Blood rushed out of Adrain's lip,nose,and forehead.

"HARRY, STOP!"I screamed as I tried to pry Harry of Adrain.Harry finally gave in and walked away with me.We headed towards my apartment,both as silent as can be.

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