Chapter 3

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Natalie (p.o.v)

I smiled at his words and he smiled back exposing two huge dimples.I poked one and he blushed and looked down.

"So,tell me about yourself." he said

"Well,what do you want to know?"

"Erm....favorate color?"

"Light blue and pink."

"Favorate singer?"

"That's easy,Ed Sheeran."

"I like him too! How old are you?"

"I'm eighteen but im turning nineteen on July 13th.What about you?"

"I'm nineteen,why do you live alone so young?"

"Well,right when I turned eighteen I moved out.My dad bought the apartment and furniture.But I pay for bills.I work at Forever 21 as part time during school but full time during summer, except weekends."

"That's cool.I moved from the UK into the apartments today with my mum and step-dad.Louis moved here a few years back so thats how I know him."

"Oh.What collage are you going to?" I asked this time.

"Im not sure.Probably the one closest to here."

"Me too!My dad wanted Harvord but I don't.It's too....I don't know.It's not me."

"Do you play guitar?" he asked while pointing at the guitar next to my beanbag chair.

"Yeah.Adrian taught me."I said rather embarrased


"Do you want something to drink?" I asked changing the subject

"Sure" he said while jumping on my bed.

"Follow me"

I led him to the kitchen and he opened the fridge."Wow, you have a lot of drinks and food."

He looked down the rows of Coke,Sprite,Snapple,Arizona,Minute Maid,and Monster (the energy drink).

"Well, a girl needs her choices doesn't she?" I joked.

He laughed and grabbed a Monster.I picked out a Strawberry and Kiwi Snapple.We sat at the table and looked down at our drinks.

"So, tell me about you." I said emphansizing the 'you'

"Well,my favorate color is black.Im nineteen.Im a boy." he said with a smile on his face.

"Well, thanks for stateing the obvious." I said smiling as well.

He laughed and drank another sip of his drink."How about we ask personal questions?"

"Fine.I don't have anything to hide." I said while also taking a sip of my drink.

"First crush?" he asked.

"Brian Gallardo. You?"

"Paisly Smith.First boyfriend?"

"Jason, like I told you.You?"

"Paisly Smith." He smiled.

I nearly choked on my juice.I started laughing as well as he did.

"Didn't give up, did you?''

"Giving up is for losers." he said smiling and shrugging his shoulders.

"True,true,true.."I agreed.

"Ok, so ready to get really personal?"

"Always ready"I said while smiling.

"Are you a virgin?"

I choked once more on my drink.And he patted my back gently.

"Um...yeah."I said quietly.

"Cool, me too." he said taking another sip of Monster.I raised my eyebrow at him,not sure if to believe him.

"I am." he laughed

"Okaaaay Styles"

"Fine. First kiss?"

"Jason.It was horrible.He tried to do tongue to tongue on the first date.You?"

He laughed and looked down and said rather quietly "Paisly Smith."

"Damn, Styles! Surprised she wasn't your first time!"

He laughed deeply but was interrupted my a knock on the door.We both looked first at the door then at each other.

"Come with me?" I asked truely scared to open by myself.

"Of course."

We both got up and I opened the door, Harry behind me.And there he was.Adrian.Looking mader than ever.

"ARE YOU DONE HAVING SEX WITH YOUR LITTLE FRIEND!?" he screamed while grabbing my arms.

"What the hell?!?" I screamed back,as I pulled away and started to fall back.Harry got me and pushed me behind him.

"What if she is?" he asked and my eyes widened.I was about to protest but then Harry was pulled by Adrian and he held Harry againts the railing of the stairs.

"ADRAIN!?STOP!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as he choked Harry with his arm.

"LET GO OF HIM!!" I screamed once more.

"Gladly." he said and let go,having Harry fall over the railing to the ground.

"HARRY!?!" I cried as I ran over to the railing.He balled up and tried to get up.Adrain ran down the stairs into a car parked near by and drove off.

I ran down the stair next to Harry. I cried as I kneed down next to him on the ground.

"Are you ok!?Harry!?Talk to me!!"

"I will be."he chocked out as his hand went to the back of my head and he pushed my face on to his.Our lips crashed together and our lips moved in sync.It was honestly the best feeling in the world.

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