Chapter 4

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Waiting 4 You

Chapter 4

Cody's P.O.V.

My mum and I are on our way to the concert. Last concert until I have a break. Don't get me wrong I love my fans and all but everyone needs a break once in a while. I had a weird feeling like when its your birthday and you know something really good is going to happen kind of feeling.

"Cody, honey were here." said my mum. I got out of the car and walked toward the back door. I got changed into a typical concert outfit: and warmed up my voice.

"Okay kid fourty minutes till show time." said Matt.

"Okay." I replyed not really paying attention. Matt and I walked outside so I could pick the girl I wanted to bring onstage tonight.

"What about her?" Matt pointed to a short blond girl.

"No." I said while looking around. Something caught my attention.

"Valerie get out of the car!" said a girl with light brown hair. Then a girl with brown hair and brown eyes stepped out of the car. She's gorgeous I assume thats Valerie. She had that I'd rather be anywhere but here look on her face. "Her over there by the black Mazda with the light brown hair." I said.

"Okay let me go get here so you can ask here." said Matt while walking away. I saw him walk up to the girls while saying something and pointing back at me. I pretended to be looking at my shoes. They started walking towards me, okay act cool.

"Hey." I said to the girls.

"Hi." I got from the girls.

"I'm Amanda thats my mom and my best friend Valerie.

" "Nice to meet you guys. I was wondering Amanda if you wanted to be the girl I bring onstage?" I asked Amanda.

"Yeah, I'd love to." she said trying to keep her cool but I know inside she's freaking out.

"Cool. Oh, by the way nice shirts." I said I got a thanks from Amanda and I heard Valerie mumble a whatever. I was determined to find out why Valerie doesn't like me. I mean not everyone has to like me but she's at my concert wearing a shirt with my songs on it. Maybe she's just jeolous I didn't choose her. I wanted to ask her but I didn't want to get rejected. "So, Amanda I'll see you in a few." I said.

"Yeah." replyed Amanda. I was about to walk away but first I had to do something.

"See you later Valerie." I said and winked at her as I started to walk away I swear I saw her blushing.

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