Operation Escape: XII

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My dream filled with rose pedals and kisses. A perfect night with a perfect boy.

It all crashed before me when I was shaken awake.

"Hey.." I murmured frustrated as I rubbed my eyes.

"I need your help." The voice said shallowly.

"Well you woke me up from a great dream."


Rubbing my eyes once, more, I noticed it was Elliot and I tilted my head.


"Yes?" He spoke, pushing back his hair.

"What do you need help with? What time is it?"

Elliot glanced to the clock, looking back at me, "7:00am."

"What do you need help with?" I asked, shuffling out from under my blankets.

"Toya and I are going on a date at noon, I have no clue what to wear, and I'm anxious as hell."

"So you need help choosing an outfit?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright, let me get dressed."

As Elliot waited for me, I grabbed a cyan tank and black jeans and vans. Simple, but easy to move around for what would happen later today. My eyes glanced around the room, everyone was still sleeping. Breakfast would be soon, and I was tempted just to wake them all. I kinda wanted revenge for my dream being ruined. Oh well, I'd have to get over it.

We made our way back to Elliot's cabin, the last cabin in the row. As we walked up the steps, I stopped and looked at him.

"Doesn't Toya live in your cabin?"

"No, well yes, but she went to sleep with Nika for the night."

"Oh, I see."

Stepping into the cabin, I looked around my surroundings. It looked the same as my cabin, except different people and they way they decorated their spaces. Looking around at the beds, Elliot had his own bunk near the bathroom. Next to his was Toya's bed, obvious by the pink pillow with yellow writing of her name. Above her slept Zelda silently. Across the room was Lilly, she was awake, reading Hamlet as she sat upright on her bed. Above her was Jafar, who was still sleeping. The last bunk was empty, not even touched.

Lilly looked up from her book, examining me before a smile slid across her face, "Hey Logan, what's up?"

"Not much, just helping Elliot choose clothes for his date."

"Oh la la," she laughed.

Grinning, I spoke, "how's the book?"

Lilly looked down at her book and smiled, "Good! Just I've read it like nine times and need a new book."

"Nine times? Oh gosh."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to the library next weekend when we go into town and find some new reads."

"Mind if I come with? I want to get into some summer reading."

"Of course, Jafar-" she pointed at the bed over her, "might come with us as well."

"Coolio," I responded turning back to Elliot who arranged his options across his bed. I glanced back at Lilly who had already went back to her book. She was so much friendlier than when we first met.

Elliot looked back at me, his selection of clothes lying across his bed. For shirts, he had plain white v neck, a floral button up, grey button up and red slimming sweater. Pants were dress pants, black jeans, blue jeans and fuzzy grey shorts.

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