Chapter 3

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I woke up strapped to a bed. I soon came to my senses and started thrashing around. I broke the straps and jumped to my feet. My head was pounding but I didn't show it in case anyone was near. I looked around and knew that it wasn't my parents who found me.

As if on cue, he came in.

"You have to lay down! Your head is going to eventually make you faint again!" He seemed to actually care and that warmed me up a little.

I was too tired to fight back so I obliged.

"Why did you tie me up?"

"In case you fell out of your bed or something."

"How did you find me?" I asked with my eyes closed.

"Well, because we are mates, we will be able to sense that the other is in pain or danger so once you fainted, I knew something was wrong so I followed your scent."

I had my eyes closed and I thought about why he cared so much about me. We were complete opposites but I felt like he made me safe and happy even if I didn't know him that well.

"By the way, our parents are wondering where we are."

"Maybe yours are but mine definitely won't be." I sigh.

"Come on, you're going have to face your problems sooner or later so just face them sooner."

I opened my eyes to see him sitting by my feet looking intensely at me.

"I can't." I say calmly.

"Okay." I was almost completely sure he would try and convince me more but he didn't.

"So lets get to know each other." He said trying to light the mood. "Start off by maybe telling each other our names?" He smiled.

"Oh yeah! We don't know them yet do we." I laughed and sat up. It was one of the most natural laughs I have done in a while.

"Well my name is Brandon." He said holding his head high. Obviously he liked his name.

"I was right!" I said then quickly looked down.

"What?" He clearly had amusement in his voice.

"I was trying to guess your name and I was right." I say smiling sheepishly.

"Well since you've guessed mine let me guess yours." He scanned my face and said, "Emma maybe?"

I smiled. "Yeah!"

I suddenly became extremely sad. I remembered how different we were and that if we ever had a relationship of any sort, it would never work. We were too different. I wish we were normal teenagers who just had silly crushes but instead we were supernatural creatures who would soon have to learn that it wouldn't work between us.

He must have noticed my sudden change of attitude.

"What's wrong?" He said sincerely.


"What about us?"

"It won't ever work! And you're just making it harder for me to get away from you so you won't have to face any heartbreak." I say throwing my arms out in frustration.

"We can make it work. Look at how natural we are together." His eyes were filled with sorrow only making me feel worse.

Suddenly a large black wolf bursted through the doors and in an instance, I stood my ground and my fangs were out.

We circled each other, the wolf growling and I snarling. I stared at it making it cower slightly.

"Stop!" Brandon says.

I turn my head slightly but I didn't loose my vision on the wolf. I started glaring so hard the wolf fell to the ground.

"What did you do that for?" Brandon shouts running towards the black wolf.

"He was about to attack me for no reason!" I shout back.

"This is the beta! He was only trying to protect me probably because your a filthy bloodsucker who doesn't have a heart.'' Those words were like daggers to my heart. I really thought he was different.

I immediately saw regret in his eyes but I didn't care.

"I can't believe I almost gave you a chance. I'm glad I saw the real you." I say as I turn around to run out the doors.

I had no where to go. So I just ran. Following my senses I ran for probably hours in the woods.

I ended up somewhere I have never even come close to.

I walked out the woods and saw that I was in a small town that was bright and colourful. I soon found a motel and I 'influenced' the manager to give me a free room. I knew what I did was wrong but at the moment I couldn't care less.

I fell asleep straight away.

In the morning I woke up the best I have ever done. No parents shouting at me. I stretched out in such a good mood.

I let my motel keys on the counter and left.

The good thing about being a vampire is that I don't have to pay for food.

I wandered the town and found a small mall. I entered to be greeted by loads of people. All the them were young, no older than 27. Strange.

I went into all the shops because there weren't too many. But they all had people around the same age and all looked like they were made of plastic. All of them were blond with blue eyes so I stood out a lot.

This town was getting creepy but as stubborn as I was, I ignored it and decided to keep looking around.

Someone suddenly stood in front of me. It was a blond girl who was so fake. Her face was caked in makeup and she had obviously had more than one improvement done to her face.

"I think you would look great as a blond. Also we could get you some blue contacts. Then maybe a nose job and botox." She kept talking but I pushed her away.

Not much later, more people told me exactly the same thing. I soon knew that I had to get out of this town before they would start to bribe me with everything I would ever want.

This was the very famous 'Pertic' town. Only made up of a specific type of people.

I kept being blocked by people and I soon got annoyed at one in particular. My fangs grew out and she screamed giving me some time to run away. I ran back into the woods from where I came from.

I vowed to myself to never go back there again.


What's Emma going to do next? What about everyone else? Where is she meant to go?

Keep reading to find out! Thanks again!

May the odds be ever in your favour... Goodbye!


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