Chapter 32

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I laid next to Brandon breathless.

"That was even better than the first time." He said panting.

I nodded in agreement and got up.

"We need to actually get a social life." I said to him.

"But I'd much prefer to do this.." He trailed and pulled me closer to him.

I smacked him in the arm and stood up.

I went to the bathroom and saw that my neck was covered in hickeys and the my lips were almost swollen-like.

I took a shower quickly and realised that I had no clothes to wear. I wrapped a towel around me and went outside.

Brandon was no where to be seen which was worrying but I doubt he could've gone far, I can feel that he is still quite close to me.

I grabbed his T-shirt from the floor and a pair of his boxers.

"Brandon?" I shouted walking out our bedroom.

I looked around to finally find him on the couch with a package in his hand.

"What did you order?" I asked plopping myself next to him. There was a faint smell of dry blood but I couldn't see any.

He looked dazed and scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked starting to become worried.

He handed me the package without a word and I read the top.

It said

'Be ready or this will happen to you'

I had a feeling I wouldn't like what was in the package.

I looked at Brandon as if asking to open the package, I feel like he knows what's in it.

I opened it with caution and was scared to death with its content.

Inside there was a still heart.

I took a sharp breath and smelled the blood. It seemed familiar but I didn't know what who it could belong to.

"Do you know who did this?" I asked Brandon.

He seemed too shocked. I didn't know what was going on inside his head but I had a feeling it wasn't something I wanted to know.

This was probably going to gross him out but I wiped my finger across the heart and put it on my tongue. It tasted a little like Brandon. But it couldn't be him... he was here?

"Who is this?" I asked Brandon starting to become panicked.

"My sister..." He said quietly. I almost didn't hear him.

"Madison?" I asked to confirm.

He just lightly nodded his head.

I was unsure about what to do. I had never really comforted anyone.

I scooted closer to him and pulled him closer to me. This was how to comfort people... right?

He turned around to bury his head in my shoulder and hugged me. I felt him shake a little and that was enough to let me know that he was crying.I felt his pain through the bond and it was tearing me up from inside.

I patted his back awkwardly and wasn't sure what else to do. But i did know that I was going to find whoever did this and kill them.

I told Brandon to stay in our apartment, I swipped my hand on the heart and licked the blood off again. I knew the taste of the killer. It was too familiar for me to forget. I knew exactly where I was heading.

I broke the door down and sniffed around like a mad man.

I grabbed the person by the collar and threw them across the room.

"What's happening?" He said smirking. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Don't act stupid." I snapped.

"Uh uh uh. You shouldn't be so snappy. I have something you may not want everyone to see." He said.


He gave me his phone and told me to press play.


This son of a bi--

"See? I told you that you shouldn't mess with me. It's what you get for rejecting me for that prick. He doesn't deserve you-"

"And neither do you! How could you be so cold hearted?!"

"I was all set to marry you! But then you decided to go crawling back to him! I could've given you anything you want but instead you left me no choice but to go against the both of you! If you had just came to me, none of this would have to happen." He said as he started walking towards me.

"Get away!" I shouted as he grabbed my wrist tightly.

He held both my wrists and had me in a death grip. He forced me to look at him and started leaning in.

"Go away!" I shouted before kicking him in his family jewels.

He hissed in pain and looking up with red eyes, his fangs were extended and he lunged at me.

"I always thought you were my friend, Markus." I said sadly before shifting to my full killer mode. He wasn't going to be happy after what I do to him. He hurt my Brandon and therefore hurt me. I will hurt him.

I waited for him to make the first move and it looked like he was waiting for me.

His impatience eventually gave in and jumped at me. I moved quickly to kick his side and he grabbed my leg throwing me around slightly and I pulled myself up to punch him in his face.

He growled and landed a punch in my stomach. I bent down a little on pain but fought through it.

I kicked him again but this time in his face and when he staggered back, I grabbed his shirt and threw him to the wall.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He said.

"Well you've done a great job at doing the opposite." I sneered.

"I know and I need you to know that I am sorry but things will happen and you need to be prepared. This will probably the last time we talk before the fight." he said before running out and leaving me stood in the middle of his living room.

He is not going to get it easy from me the next time I see him.

I suddenly remembered that I needed to go back to Brandon. I rushed back to our apartment to see him still sat in the same place as I had left him.

"What happened?" He whispered.

I swallowed a lump and said "i know who did it but... this is only the beginning of the end."


Hey guys! This book is actually almost over! Only a few chapters are left! Plus there is an epilogue. Hopefully you don't expect the ending!

I love all of you guys!

May the odds be ever in your favour... goodbye!


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