Chapter 18

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Finally after what felt like eternity, my tutoring session was over.

I jumped up and quickly out all the books away incase Markus decided to tell me something else.

"Okay. We should do this again another day. I think you made good progress." he said getting up.

"Yeah maybe.." I said.

I glanced at the clock and it was already 6. I thought it was only going to be an hour.

"Well, I appreciate your patience. I know I'm not the brightest star in the world."

"Are you joking? once you understood the rules, everything clicked in your head. You're great! I don't know why the teacher think you need tutoring but I know that you still need work." He said sounding like a proper teacher.

"Thanks I guess." I said

We stood awkwardly facing each other.

"I guess I should over to yours to get my mom." We walked towards the door.

We walked in silence over to his house and he unlocked the door and gestured for me to go in first.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Mom, we're done." I said when I saw her.

"Okay, I was just talking to her about how great it is that you two are friends. Markus seems like a very nice boy." she said getting up.

"Yeah, I guess he is." I smiled.

"Well it's nice to see you again Mrs Thorne." I said giving her a hug.

"Please, call me Zoe, and you can visit whenever you want. I'm sure Markus would love that, wouldn't you Markus?"

He blushed a little and nodded.

Never would I have thought he would look embarrassed.

"See you in the morning?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, 7?"

"Mhm." I said as I waved goodbye.

I woke up feeling refreshed and when I looked in the mirror, my bruise was a lot less noticeable.

I wore Markus's scarf anyways because I liked it.

I wore a dark purple beanie and a black skater skirt with a crop top the had the Chanel sign on it. I looked so toned and I wasn't as pale as most vampires, I actually looked healthy.

I grabbed my bag and waited for Markus outside. I checked the time to see that it was already 7:15.

I've actually been going to school on time and it wasn't that bad. But Markus was testing me. If he isn't here in the next five minutes, I'm leaving him.

Unluckily, he didn't show up. I texted him asking where he was but I got no answer.


I walked fast to school so I wouldn't be too late.

I arrived at school just in time and grumbled to myself.

I looked like a loner standing by myself in the hallway.

I heard running footsteps and Markus appeared in front of me.

"I'm so sorry! I woke up late and my phone was off so I didn't know what time it was." He said looking hardly into my eyes searching for any emotions. But I was good at hiding mine so he wouldn't be able to see what I was feeling.

"It's ok." It wasn't that big of a deal so I was willing to forgive him. "But make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Of course." he nodded his head.

"Now it's English and we're studying poetry." I told him as we made our way towards the classroom.

"I see you're still wearing my scarf." he smiled, he looked pleased.

"Yeah, it's comfy and plus the bruise is still there." I told him.

"Maybe you're wearing because you like that its from me." He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't be too cocky." I replied and sat down in my seat.

I saw him talk to the teacher and nodding his head. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. The teacher searched for what he was winking at and he was so surprised. I'll admit I never come here but it doesn't mean you have to look at me as if I'm a ghost.

They talked for a while longer and I saw Markus make his way to the desk behind me.

"The teacher was surprised that I was friends with you." he chuckled.

"Why?" I asked. I knew the answer to that, Markus was a straight A student whereas I used to rarely come to school. We just never crossed paths.

"I think you know." he winked.

"Alright class. Settle down, today we are going to be studying Shakespeare...." I started daydreaming and didn't pay attention.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around sharply.

Markus put his hands up surrendering and handed me a piece of paper.

It wrote,

'Yesterday Amy came to my house after you left. She started feeling me up and tried to kiss me. I pushed her away because she was grossing me out and plus doesn't she have a boyfriend? Anyways, she said that if I slept with her, she would tell me something important.

I didn't agree with her and she said I would regret it.

I have no idea what she was talking about but I know you would want to know about this.

I was going to tell you this morning but as you know, I woke up late.'

I stared at the piece of paper re-reading it again and again.

How dare she. That little...

"Miss Thomas? Are you listening to me?" The teacher snapped me out of my thought.

"Hmm? Yeah sure." I said half heartedly.

"What was I talking about?" He crossed his arms.

"Shakespeare..." I trailed.

"What about him?"

I needed to wing it.

"Where he was born and about his parents." That seemed like a reasonable topic.

"Looks like you were paying attention." He said looking slightly disappointed.

Ha! I'm gooood!

The lesson was finally finished and I was still thinking about what the note said.

Markus wouldn't lie to me and I believed Amy would definitely do something like that.

I rushed out the room forgetting about Markus.

He caught up to me and just walked next to me without speaking.

"Sorry I left you, I was just thinking. Can you tell me what happened exactly?" I asked him

"She came to my house not long after you left and when I was about to make her leave, she came inside my house and started talking to me but whilst she was talking to me about school, she put her hand on my thigh and started rubbing against it.

"I felt uncomfortable and scooted away from her. She told me that if I slept with her, I would have the night of my life and she would also tell me something I would want to tell you.

"I told her that I needed to know what she was talking about but she said she needed something in return and I refused."

"At least you refused." I sighed.

"But can't you make her say anything?" he asked.

"I could but I feel like something will go wrong." I said chewing my lip.

I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach telling me that if I tried influencing her, it would somehow reflect back onto me.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I just.... I don't know, I have a strange feeling." I said scratching my head.

I had science next and I definitely wasn't looking forward to this.

I sat down and threw my bag onto the floor.

"We will be doing a practical today so grab your lab coats!" The teacher said excitedly.

A few people cheered and the rest stayed quiet.

I grabbed my lab coat which was almost like a graffitied wall. There were drawing and writing all over it. I liked drawing on the sleeves and in the beginning of the year, people signed it to try and become my friend.

Markus raised an eyebrow at my filthy lab coat. His was as white as snow. Of course because his was never worn before.

"Today we will be putting a safe type of acid onto a piece of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rock to test which one would survive under acid rain. Any guesses?"

A few of the nerds put their hands up and all had different complicated theories of why their choice would survive.

"Work with the person sitting next to you and who ever finishes first with the correct answer and evidence to support it, will win the pride!" I rolled my eyes at how lame that was and looked at the things set in front of me.

"Okay, do you understand what we have to do?" I asked Markus.

"Of course, it's not hard so lets start."

We ended up finishing second because two nerds were put together.

All in all I think we did quite well.

"Good job." I said packing away my lab coat.

"I'd say we make a good team." he smiled at me.

"Yeah, I think we do."

We walked slowly to lunch and sat down on our normal table.

So far no trouble other then what Markus told me.

I needed to watch out for everything and everyone. anything could be a trap. Markus could be a bad guy for all I know. Lets just hope he's not.

We talked about meeting up again after school to rehearse our duet and when he would tutor me again.

If lanced over at the 'popular' table and saw that Amy, Brandon and Candy weren't there.

Something is wrong, I can sense it.

Markus must've noticed my sudden change of attitude and followed my gaze.

"I wonder where they are." He said.

"So do I Markus and I'm pretty sure it's not somewhere good."

"What do we have next?" he asked trying to change the subject.

"PE." I replied.

"What are we doing?"

"I think badminton." I said not really in the mood. "Have you ever considered joining the football team?"

"No! I hate those stuck up jocks! They think they're all that when actually they're no better than you or me. Have you ever wanted to join the cheer leading team?"

"EW! No! Oh... I see where you're coming from now. Plus, I'm not really flexible enough." I shrugged.

That was the end of that conversation.

The bell rung telling us it was PE.

It turns out I was right, it was badminton.

I wasn't very good to say the least. I was terrible. I didn't understand why the racket was so small and I didn't see why the net was as tall as a volleyball net. Who ever invented it must've been out of their mind.

Markus laughed at me the whole lesson. I know I looked ridiculous trying to save his hits but there was no need to taunt me.

I pouted and crossed my arms.

"I knew you were going to be bad at something." he said catching up with me.

"What are you bad at?" I needed to knew this and make him suffer.

He tapped the side of his nose telling me that it was a secret.

"But that's not fair." I complained.

"Life's not fair Ems."

Hmm. Ems, I liked that. It wasn't too much and I've always wanted a nickname.

Call me a loser but it was true.

The day ended quickly and we raced back to his house so he could pick up his guitar for us to rehearse.

I sang with all my emotions because it felt like I could relate to the lyrics.

When we finished we just talked in the room for a while until I saw a pair of eyes staring at me through the window in the door.

The person saw me staring and quickly ran away.

I ran after it recognising the scent. I knew it but somehow it smelled different.

I ran and not long I caught up.


The person is probably predictable but here you go! Another chapter!

I wanted to thank cheeky_gurl for the amazing cover! I love it so much! I recommend her if you want a cover!

Thanks for reading and comment! I love them!

May the odds be ever in your favour.. goodbye!


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