Chapter 7

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I woke up being pushed down. I tried getting up but I was being restrained.

I heard a groan next to me and without thinking, I elbowed the person next to me.

The person groaned even louder.

"That hurt." He said then he removed the load from on top of me.

I jumped up and stood next to the bed.

I relaxed when I saw it was only Brandon. But he was bending over clutching his stomach, it must've been where I elbowed him. I started laughing.

"You're so weak." I said between laughs.

"It's the morning! I was sleeping! How was I suppose to know you were going to hurt me." He said whilst rubbing his eyes.

He looking so cute. He looked like a little puppy.

"Wait. Why am I here?" I said suddenly realising I wasn't where I was supposed to be. Either in my own room or in the woods. "Why was I in bed with you?" Like my best friend I wanted to add but I didn't want to ruin the moment we had.

He started laughing. Soon I realised what I said and started blushing. Then I started laughing as well.

"Well since you fell asleep and I didn't know where to bring you since you fell out with your parents. So I could only bring you here. And as for being in the same bed, I didn't want you to sleep on the couch and when I put you down, you looked to cute to not cuddle up to you." He said getting up. I realised he didn't have a shirt on and he was only wearing his boxers. His hair was messy and he looked great.

I looked down and saw that I was wearing one of his black oversized t-shirts. I wasn't wearing anything under except for my underwear and bra.

"Did you change me?" I said raising an eyebrow at him.

He started blushing now and shook his head. "My sister changed you."

"You have a sister?" I asked. I seriously knew nothing about him.

"Yeah. She's 24 so she never really stays home but luckily she was here when I needed her. Her name is Madison. I think she's still here. Come on, change and meet me downstairs."

"I don't really have anything to wear.." I trailed.

"Pick another of my t-shirts. You look cute in them. Then you can just wear your shorts from yesterday." He replied smirking at me.He left the room with pieces of clothing, most likely going to take a shower or something.

I wondered why he didn't just get some clothes from his sister. I didn't want to intrude so I didn't ask.

I looked around his wardrobe and picked out a large navy blue top with white stripes and took the black one off and put this one on.

I searched around his room and found my shorts laying in the corner of his room. I put it on and went down the stairs.

I walked around a bit but finally saw him in the kitchen.

"My sister isn't here anymore but I've made breakfast." He said whilst holding a pan with a pancake on it.

"That was quick!" I said surprised.

"I am after all a professional cook. Nothing is impossible for me!" He said with an accent and wiggled his eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes and dug into to my pancake.


I'll give it to him. He was an amazing cook.

I almost moaned with pleasure. This was amazing.

I gave him a thumbs up and he stood proudly.

Suddenly I realised it was a school day. I shrugged it off because I was already normally late.

"Don't you have to go to school?" I reminded Brandon.

"Well... Normally I'm late anyways." He said looking slightly embarrassed. "How about you?"


"Besides, I'd much prefer to spend my day with you than with other people. Especially girls! Seriously! You vampire girls are very persistent! They follow me everywhere. I never catch a break."

I snorted. "It's because your such a lady's man." I said joking.

He chuckled slightly running his finger through his hair. Making it messier therefore sexier.

"So what should we do today?" He asked leaning against his kitchen counter.

"Where are your parents?" I said raising an eyebrow. His dad was so nice to me. He lent me stuff... which I forgot in the woods.

I slapped my forehead.

"My dads sorting out some pack business and my mother.. well she hasn't been with us for a while now. She's no longer on earth." He said swallowing a gulp.

I can't believe I never heard about this! It's a big deal!

I used my speed to stand next to him and give him a hug.

"I'm sorry about your loss." I said into his neck.

"Well on a brighter note.. I know where to bring you!" His mood changed so quick.

He ran upstairs leaving me standing there dumbfounded.

He came back downstairs with a bikini. A very small one.

"No. I am not wearing that! You're just using an excuse to go to the beach and look at me practically naked!"

"You know me well." He said placing it down. He smiled at me. "I was only joking. But it was worth a try." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you want to go to the park?" I asked. It was a place where I loved going to when I was younger and when everyone around me was oblivious to how much control I had over them.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Sure."

We walked to the park which only took us around 5 minutes. We talked about our grades in school and I realised that he was actually extremely smart as well as being good looking. This information actually made me want to get good grades. My grades were already good but I wanted to do better than him. I was competitive around him.

"Do you want to do a race? With our 'human' speed. To that tree over there." He suggested.

I nodded eagerly. I was faster than he would expect.

"On your marks, get set, go!" I shouted.

We both sprinted but it wasn't fun because I didn't feel like I was able to run at a good speed.

I turned my head slightly to see where he was and we were actually neck and neck. I pushed forward and when I reached the tree I won.

"I win." I saw smugly.

"I let you win." He pouted. I squished his cheeks. "Stop that!"

"But you're just so cute!" I say whilst moving his head side to side.

"Men aren't cute! Especially not Alpha's!" He said putting his hands on his hips.

I just laughed at him. "Let's go sit on the swings."

"Race you there? I'll win this time." He said confidently.

Guess what? I won.

I pointed at him laughing. "Yeah you definitely won."

We sat on the swings and started chatting. His jokes were so lame but his hopeful expressions to make me laugh were too cute and I just had to please him.

Suddenly someone pushed me off the swings and I landed face first.

"Ow!" I said standing up in a flash and I turned around to see a smug Amy.

"What's your fricken' problem?" I asked waving my hands around.

Brandon sat on his swing looking confused.

"Why aren't you at school? Why are you here with the guy that took MY virginity. The guy which I took his." She said with her hands on her hips.

Oh. Was she signing her death note?

"Why would you care whether I was at school?" I said in front of her staring her down. She was slightly shorter than me so I had an advantage on height but I also had advantages on everything else.

"The teachers asked me 'cause they knew we used to be 'best buds'."

"The key word in that was 'used' not are. Beside I was here because I didn't feel like going to school."

"But instead you're here with a wolf boy and the traitor."

I slapped her. She had long enough to leave.

"Why did you do that?"

"Maybe because your face was annoying me?"

Brandon chuckled silently making me smile slightly.

She lunged at me but she was too slow I dodged her with ease and she fell on the ground where I stood.

She bounced back up.

"Don't fight with someone you will easily loose to sweetie." I sneer.

She obviously didn't understand and tried to lunge at me but got the same result.

"I'm not going to kill you... today. So just leave it before we both do something we'll both regret." Where did this calmness all come from? Usually my opponent would be on the floor dead or unconscious.

I turned to see Brandon. It must be him. He must be the person keeping my anger under control. Just his presence was enough to change my behaviour.

"Come on Emma, let's go." Brandon says holding out a hand. I wasn't going to take it so I pushed his hand down and just walked beside him.

"Why are you leaving with him? Didn't you hate him?" I swear Amy actually wants to die.

"Shut up!"I order her and she stiffs. I let her gaze fall and she collapses.

I walk away with nervous looking Brandon.

"Calm down. It's okay. I was just angry okay?"

"It's all my fault that you fell out with your best friend. If I hadn't been such an idiot then this wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't have a large reason to hate me and you would still be friends with her." He said kicking the dirt.

"I would have realised that she was bad sooner or later and as for hating you, I wouldn't be able to hate you forever. You would have eventually made me angry anyways. I have a short temper. Don't worry about it." I say whilst rubbing his back.

"Can I get a hug?"

"Of course." I smile and hug him.

He was back now.


Aww I love Brandon so much! I wish he was a real person.

Thanks for reading as always.

May the odds be ever in your favour... Goodbye!


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