Chapter 26

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I was brought to an abandoned building (so cliche right?) and was placed inside a room without windows or any furniture.

I was craving blood and if anyone had a breathing thing close to me I would've ripped it to shreds. Hmmm. Maybe if the kidnapper got his hand close enough to my mouth.....

Once I stopped daydreaming I sniffed around trying to see if I could smell anything but it seems as if this room was smell proof (is that a thing? If not, they need to make it a thing)

There was no point in me trying to escape 'cause I couldn't even see a door. I have no clue how they got me in here.

I focused on the rope around my wrists and pushed my hands away from each other attempting to break the rope. After all, I wasn't weak. If they didn't make it out if silver I could break this shit easily. But I could tell they added a little silver in the ropes. I mean, who does that? Silver ropes? Sheesh kebab on a stick.

It took me a lot more attempts to break it but once I thought about my hunger, my strength came out.

I ripped the ropes off my ankles and I was officially free. The silver burned my hands but I would heal quickly. This fucking leg was annoying me, I couldn't do anything properly. Besides, I don't even know how I got it!

I started banging on the walls to see if they would give in and soon enough, I found a place in the wall that wasn't so solid and started punching it with all my might.

It started to break, slowly but surely and soon, it had a hole large enough for me to look through.

Too bad all my efforts were pointless 'cause there was nothing there. I didn't care so I hit the wall more and more until I could get through.

There was practically noting but I could smell some wolves. I followed the scent until I was faced with more walls. Fuck you Amy. What the hell was wrong with you. Then I started violently hitting the wall again.

I have no idea how long I have been here but I knew I needed to get out of here or else I would most likely die here or something.

I finally broke down the second wall and saw some sort of light source.

"Hell yeah." I cheered myself on. What? No one was here to cheer me on, I had to be in good spirits.

I walked towards the light and found another door, the light was pearing from the gap at the bottom of the door.

I listened to hear any sort of movement and sure enough, I could hear Amy, Candy and some random guy talking. They surely would've heard or smelled me by now, but I guess their senses weren't as sharp as mine.

"She has lost her memory, and it's perfectly timed, she won't a thing thats going on." I heard Amy chuckle.

What was she talking about? My memory was in tact, nothing happened to it.

"This will be so much easier than I planned. Brandon will come running after her as he is her mate and he will come following the bond and when he does get here eventually, we will be so prepared, that even his pack will fall." The guy said, sounding extremely evil if I do say so myself.

I accidentely leaned a little too forward, lost my balance and fell. Oops. This is not gonna be pretty.

I attempted to hop as fast as I could but being me, I was caught.

"Seems as if the princess if awake." The guy said.

"What do you want." I spit.

"Don't give me that attitude." He growled back. "Now, how should we deal with you? Maybe a little injection will be good for you."

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