Chapter 15

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I woke up in my own bed back in home. I had school today. Yay.

I had promised my mom that I would go to school and I wasn't about to break that promise.

We had talked over me being in charge and we had decided it would be best if I would find someone to be with me before I take over. And in the meantime, my mom would be in charge but with my help.

I got dressed in shorts with suspenders and a smily face T-shirt. I got my black converse and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. It was my birthday today but I didn't feel like celebrating.

I walked to school listening to songs and sang along quietly.

When I arrived at school, people were once again, whispering and pointing.

"What is your fricken problem?" I snapped at everyone.

"You. That's what." I turned around to see Brandon's arm snaked around Amy's waist. With candy and her gang behind them all smirking at me.

I raised my hand to slap him but instead I pretended to scratch my head.

I need a plan. The whole school is going against me and that is not the best way to go.

"Oh I see you two are finally together! Congrats!" I act as if I'm really happy. They both had confused looks on their faces.

Brandon was going to his death. After all, it was him who told me that Amy and Candy were working with rogues that are planning to take him away.

But he was no longer my problem and I didn't care.

The bell rung and I shot them a fake smile.

"Please can Emma Thomas come to the principles office?'' His voice boomed through the halls.

I grunted as I dragged my feet to his room.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to allow me to enter.

"Come in. Ah, Emma, I would like you to meet our new student Markus. I want you to be his tour guide person since you two have exactly the same lessons. Is that okay?"

It was wayyyyy better than okay. Markus was hot plus he wasn't a wolf. I can't believe I've never seen him before.

His hair was brown and was pushed upwards at the front with just enough gel to make it stay but not look horrible and greasy.

He had warm brown eyes and was really broad.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

"I'm Markus, as you probably know already and I guess you're Emma right?"

"There's no one else here so yeah I guess that's me." I joked back.

He chuckled slightly and we said bye to the principle.

He held the door open for me to go through. What a gentleman.

"So..." We both said at the same time.

We laughed and I walked him to our first lesson. Which was science.

This is where it all started. Me and b----

Stop obsessing over him! He's nothing!

I gulped and went in. It pained me to see Amy in the seat next to Brandon. It was where I belonged.

"Hey you okay?" Markus asked.

"Yeah. Sure."

"It's just you look like you've just seen a ghost." He chuckled.

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