Too Dumb to Figure Out I'm a Girl, Huh, JB? Part 11

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Christian's POV

We were hanging out around Justin's pool, we meaning Justin, the Crew, and Alexandra (AJ in her girl clothes). The girls all looked amazing, especially Ty, who told Justin her secret about being a girl.

"Why would you dress up like a guy, though? I'm confused," Justin asked her, puzzled. She laughed, a beautiful sound like bells.

"When I was younger, I was almost assaulted. But someone, I'm not naming names, rescued me. She inspired me to do this, because she does. It was like having another sister. I guess I admired her alot, and went kinda overboard. But, hey, it's who I am today that matters," she replied, lounging next to me on a pool chair. She had no idea the effect she had on me... "Come on, Christian, go in the pool with me." She got up and held out a hand for me to take. I took it and we descended into the warm water. She immediately took off underwater to get to the far end of the pool, but I grabbed her ankle. She came up, arms crossed and pouting at me. "What, may I ask, was that?" I grinned.

"That was only so I could do this," I pulled her close to my chest and kissed her. She kissed me back with alot of force, and we both slipped underwater afterward to cool the rising heat in our cheeks as the others catcalled at us.

Justin whispered something to AJ and she blushed. Then he kissed her cheek. She looked at him in awe, and when he turned to Ryan, jumped into the pool to talk to Ty. She looked like she was crying...

"What did you say, man?" I asked Justin. He turned to me, blushing slightly.

"I told her I liked her," he admitted.


"I always wanted him to like me for ME, not for half of me!" I babbled, tears rushing down my cheeks and floating away in the water. Ty splashed me to get my attention.

"He likes you. Alexandra is still YOU, AJ. Why can't you see that?" Ty asked. We both got out of the pool when my eyes looked normal again. "You are good at rescuing everyone but yourself. You need to rescue yourself from your fear," Ty told me, pulling me into a hug. I smiled gratefully at her. Then I realized I had to go horseback riding today. The horses were missing me, apparently, so it was time to spend time with all of them individually.

"I've got to go, guys, I'm needed next door," I told them. I threw my sundress over my head, and started heading next door. Justin followed me.

"For what?" He asked curiously. I wasn't going to kid myself that he was jealous, that would be just reading way to far into things.

"I'm going horse back riding," I told him, and he took my hand as we walked over. This was everything I had imagined it would be... Except, right now, I was only half of me.

"How close are you with AJ?" He asked again, making me think. He was showing all the signs of jealousy...

"Closer than we'd like to be, Let me tell you," I laughed. He had no idea...

"Are you related? You seem alot alike," he asked. I took in a deep breath. I never lied about it before, so what to answer, what to answer...

"We're not related." No, we are the same person. Get it through your thick skull! I begged silently. We reached my door and I got out my key.

"You have your own key to AJ's house?" Justin asked incredulously. I nodded.

"I'm here alot," I explained vaguely, stepping through the doorway. "Thank you, for an awesome day."

"It was my pleasure," he replied sweetly. This is what I always wanted with Justin, but it felt so wrong! "I'll see you tomorrow, at school," he said, kissing my cheek before walking away, with hands in his pockets. Oh, my gosh, he was such an amazing person... But he could be so dumb at times, too. I smiled to myself.

"Oh, well."

Too Dumb to Figure Out I'm a Girl, Huh, JB? (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now