CHAPTER 9 The Kiss.

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I hugged him tightly, something about his warmth makes me want to stay like this all day. He pushed me back so i was leaning onto the counter. he kept looking at my lips And that is when his lips crashed into mine, He bit on my bottom lip to ask for entre, i opened my month and he slid his tounge in lightly. We pulled apart to get our breath back when i looked over at the door and saw a very sleepy Keith. Oh no.


I quickly pulled away from Isacc and started walking over to Keith, he looked so tied and cute.

Bending over so i was facing him i asked him " Kiddo what are you doing up?" 

" Sissy i was scared , i woke up and you werent there" I saw a tear esape his eyes.

I quickly picked him and hugged him.

" Im sorry, im here now and im not going anywhere" I wispered to him.

" I don't want you to leave me again sissy"

" im never going to leave you, i promise "

Keith was looking over my shoulder, i have totally forgotten about isacc, i out Keith .

" Is this your boyfriend sissy?" Keith asked me while doing puppy dog eyes, i started coughing as if.

" No, im Isacc im your sissy's friend" Isacc told Keith giving him a sake of the hands.

" But why where you eating eachother faces off"

That is when it got so awkward i have to get Isacc out of here before something else happens.

" Keith, you need to get to bed now, go up to the room i will be up in a minute, i just have to show isacc the way out"

" Aww why can't he stay?" Keith asked me.

" Because he can't, now go upstairs now please" Keith like ran up the stairs, i hope i didn't scare him. 

Keith got to the top of the stairs and turned around yelling down to me and Isacc  "Bye isacc you and my sissy look cute together" Then he ran into my room.

Oh gosh this is so awkward.

" Bye buddie" isacc yelled to him.

I need to get Isacc out of my life, i dont want to fall for him anymore then i already have.

I quickly turned around to face Isacc and he was already looking at me. very awkward.

" You better go" I told him, i started walking to the door when he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. He looked at me for so long before he decided to speak.

" i need to tell you something" He said in a whisper.

" I know, we can't do this anymore, we can't be friends i get it " I told him walking back to the door.

" I have a girlfriend" He yelled from behide me. i frooze on the spot, that felt like someone just shot me in the heart. what do you say to someone you just hooked up with and he told you he has a girlfriend.

I finally turned around to face him, trying not to cry, i will not cry in front of him again and defferently not over this.It hurt, i haven't ever fault this way about anyone before. I never had friends before i met him, i just found out i had a brother, my life is getting crazy.

I finally said the only thing that i could get out of my mouth.

" Get out!!" I half yelled, half wispered to him.

" Can we talk about it?"

" Whats there to talk about?, you have a girlfriend, you made a mistake by kissing me, just go and please just forget you meet me, and i will try do the same, now get out." i told him solfly.

" Hannah, it wasn't a mistake -

I cut him off before he could say anymore, " Leave now, i mean it Isacc" I told him while pointing to the door.

He started walking to the door, a tear ecaped my eyes, i quickly turned around to wip it away.i turned back around to see him stopped at the door. he turned around.

" For the record, i was a man whore before i meet Olivia, thats my girlfriend, she wouldn't leave me alone after we had a one night stand, so i decided just to ask her out to stopp annoying me, we have been going out for 6 months now, i don't love her. When i meet you,i tried to break up with her, she wouldn't let me, Hannah, im falling for you, i want you and only you" He told me while walking towards me.

I didn't know what to say, so i just walked up to him and kissed him. i pulled away, i looked straight into his eyes.

" Goodbye Isacc" I told him solfy before i walked to the door and stood there waiting for him to walk out, he stopped before he walked out, he was after to say something but i cut him off.

" For the record i.. ummm, you better go "

He looked at me one last time before he walked out the door and my life. i sank to the door started crying. im pretty good at that.




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