CHAPTER 13 He is going to be okay. ( Keith)

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Another boring day at school it was now lunch time and i was sitting by myself and studing, i could see Isacc his table was 2 over from mine and he keeps looking at me, probaly thinking im a loser. well i guess i am.

Ring Ring.

" Hello?" I said.

" Hey, is this Hannah wells?" 

" Yes this is she, whos this?"

" This is doctor wills, Keith is in the hostipal, hes in a bad state" The doctor told me.

" What?? what happened?" i said to get worried.

" Hannah, just come to the hostipal room 223, he needs to here"

With that i hung up the phone and grabbed my stuff and started rushing through the cafeteria, i heard someone call my name but i couldn't stop, i needed to get to the hostipal, someone grabbed my arm when i was nearly to my car.

" Hannah, whats wrong?" it was Isacc.

" something wrong with Keith, he is in the hostipal"

" He going to be okay, i will drive your car now get in"

I didn't want to to fight with him, so i just did as he said.

I was standing over the hostipal bed, looking at my little brother he has tubes running over all parts of this body and he wasn't breathing on his own so he has to have a machine do that for him.

Isacc was beside me watching my brother, i looked over at him and he had tears in his eyes and so did i.

" Isacc, im going to get some fresh air" 

" Okay i will come"

Isacc and i, where out the front of the hostipal just standing there looking up at the sky.

" isacc i can't lose him either"

" You won't" With that he hugged me so tight, i felt safe with him. i believed his words.


1 week later. I have been sitting by my brother since i found out he was in hostipal, i havent even gone home yet, Isacc has stayed a couple of nights and i just wish he was here right now, i can't sleep and all        i want is him.

I pulled out my phone ready to text him.

From Hannah

To Isacc

Hey, are you at home?

I was now sitting waiting for him to reply, its 11:00 at night and i havent slept much at all for a week, im scared that keith isn't going to wake up but the doctors say he will but not for a few more weeks.

From Isacc

Hey, yeah i am, do you need me to come over?

From Hannah.

Im still at the hostipal, but im thinking about coming home for the night, i need to sleep.

From isacc

Okay i will come over when i see your car pull up x.

He gave me a kiss, gosh this kid needs to stop playing with my head.

I pulled up in my dive way, it feels good to be home, tomorrow is going to be a cleaning day, Keith will want to come home to a nice clean house when he wakes up. its a bit cold out side, i quickly got to my front door and put the key in and turned the house lights on.

To Isacc.

Im home, im going to have a shower but you dont have to come over, thank you anyway.

I had a nice long hot shower, it feels so good to feel clean, i pulled on a tank top and some PJ pants and now i was going to make myself some nice food. i was walking to the kitchen when i swear i saw someone in the living room, but it must of been my imagination.

" Hannah" someone said behind me.

I screamed . i turned around and it was Isacc.

" What the hell Isacc you scared the shit out of me" i punch him in the shoulder while i said that.

" Hay, no hitting and im sorry i didn't mean to" He gave me a cheeky grin.

I just rolled my eyes at him. " What are you doing here, didn't you get my text"

" Yes, i did"

" then why are you here?" 

" Because i am and want to now lets make some food"

1 hour later, Isacc and i, where laying in my bed he was suggling me and i had my head on his chest, it felt so good to just lay there.

" Can i ask you something?" Isacc said quickly, bringing me out of my day dream.

" yeah"

It felt like he was nervous for what he is about to say. i have never seen Isacc nevous before.

" What would you do if i told you i broke up with Olivia?" he asked after a few minutes.

" Umm, idk, why did you break up with?"

" Yeah after you hit her i broke up with her that day"

" Well in that case i would do this" I looked up and kissed him and i pulled away and he had a big smile on his face he pulled me down to him, this was the best kiss, it feels like there is fireworks.

Im defferntly falling for him.

I hope you enjoyed.

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don't know when i will update next but i will soon :).

smile because you beautiful :)

- Tiana xoxoox

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