Chapter 11

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That's Ace :)

~At the beach~
"Ahhhh, the smell of the ocean is so nostalgic" Ryan spread his arms and breathed in loudly. I took out my sweater and put it on, even though it was early March it was cold like a motherfucker. "Alright now let's get everything out of the car" Ryan jogged off to his car along side my brother, Caleb, and Zack. We were planning on having a bonfire and camping out here. I looked at where Hunter was and noticed he was looking my way but turned his head around as soon as I looked at his direction. My heart immediately felt weird.

"Hey Echo! Are you ok? your face is red, your not sick are you?"I felt a hand on my head and noticed that it came from Ace, "It doesn't feel like your sick or anything"

"That's because I'm not" I sighed and looked out at the ocean "man I can't wait until spring break"

"Hahaha you mean you can't wait till you get away from reality and be lazy for a whole week"  Ace ruffled my hair

"Heh I guess your right" I smiled

"There's that smile I was looking for" I looked over at Ace confused

"What do you mean?" I leaned my head a little to the right

"You've been kinda crabby since Monday and I've noticed you've also been avoiding us, so are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Ace stuffed his hands into his pockets and ducked down to my height like I was a little child going to confess something.  I sighed, should I tell him that every time I see Hunter my heart feels weird and that every time I see Hunter with Ashley I feel sad and alone? I looked into his eyes one more time and I sighed.

"Fine, but promise me you won't tell anybody about how I feel" I looked him straight in the eyes so he knows what I was saying was serous

"Yea I promise, you can trust me" 

I sighed " Well for some reason whenever I see Hunter I get this strange feeling in my heart and whenever I see him with Ashley all lovey-dovey  I get angry yet sad at the same time. I just don't understand what is this feeling," I looked at him for a moment I thought I saw hurt in his eyes but it left so quickly was I imagining it? "It can't be love can it? because Hunter and I have only been talking for a month, not even, we're just friends or I would like to believe that we are even though we don't talk that much" I looked at Ace and waited for an answer or something. After a few minutes he smiled at me 

"Well as many people have said "Love works in mysterious ways", and who knows maybe something in that saying is true. Who knows maybe you do love him or maybe it's just some feeling your getting just at the moment and it would be gone before you know it. When it comes to things like this the best person who knows is yourself, " He looked over at the ocean and sighed "Just give your feelings some time and keep them in check, if you still feel the way you do then you probably are in love with him"  He looked at me and gave me a pained smile, I wonder whats wrong? We stared at each other until we heard one of the guys yelling for our attention we turned and saw Ryan jumping and waving his hands.

"Come on you guys the bonfire is ready for action!" Ryan shouted enthusiastically 

"We're coming, just give us a sec!" I shouted back and Ryan stopped jumping around and I looked towards Ace, "Thank you Ace, you're a great friend" I hugged him 

"Your welcome haha, I would do anything for an amazing person like yourself," Ace hugged back and patted my back. We let go of each other and started heading towards everyone and as we got closer everybody but Hunter and Ashley, started making kissy noises and  I just rolled my eyes and sat down on a log, Ace sitting next to me. I looked over at Hunter and saw that he was glaring so I followed his gaze and saw that he was glaring at Ace. It didn't take that long for Ace to notice it as well but he just smiled back at him, Ace then looked at me and touched my hair. I gave him a confused look  "You had a small leaf on your hair" he smirked. This only made Hunter glare at him more.

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