Chapter 13

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That's Ashley

I walked into the school doors listening to my music and saw that people were surrounding my locker. I frowned and noticed Ryan jogging towards me.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked confused

"Umm.. let's just say that ur locker could use some makeup right now"  Ryan forced a smile. I scoffed and walked past him, pushing people out of the way.  As soon as I got near my locker I saw a sign that said "Echo the whore" and a picture of me in a bikini. I was fuming, who ever did this was going to pay.

"Alright everyone, go to your class now" called a teacher. As the students slowly started separating, the teacher came up to me. "Would you follow me miss. Shultz" I nodded and followed him to the principal's office. We entered and I sat down in one of the seats.

"Hello Echo, I would like to discuss about the whole incident on your locker,-"

"I don't need help, if that's what you're wondering" I interrupted

"Echo, we are a free bully zone in this school, we cannot tolerate stuff like this" he continued

"Then why am I here? Shouldn't you be searching who did this?" I countered.

"I'm sorry there is nothing we can do,"he sighed "but we are offering you council, maybe take about what's bothering you"

"Look no offense principle, but you can keep your so called council, and if you think I'm just going to pretend like this never happened your dead wrong, I'm going to find out who it was that did that to my locker," I glared at him "now if you'll excuse me I would like to head down to my class" I got up and left the principal's office. I couldn't take it anymore, why couldn't the principal at least try to see if they could figure this out. I sighed and walked towards my locker, I took down the sign and picture and threw it to the nearest trash can. As I was putting away my stuff I noticed in the corner of my eye a camera looking down my hallway. I smirked and slammed my locker and headed to my first class.

I entered my science class and everyone turned their head to look at me. I forced a smile and continued to walk to my seat. As soon as I sat down everyone stopped staring at me and I let out a big quiet sigh. I took my notebook out and did my notes until a piece of paper fell in my desk. I looked at it then I turned my head and saw that everyone was writing stuff in their notebooks. I opened up the piece of paper

"Hey, r u ok? Don't let that prank get to you. I just want you to know that ur not a whore but someone who is beautiful and kind" 

I smiled at the note and I could feel my cheeks turning red. I folded the piece of paper and put it on my back pocket for safe keeping.

"Alright class, there is 20 minutes left of class. I want you all to work on your assignment during this time" the teacher instructed. I sighed not wanting to get up from my seat and work so I just signaled Hunter to come over. Thankfully he understood what I was trying to say and got up from his seat.

"Well we're almost done, we just have a few more things to do" I forced a smile. We both worked in silence until I heard Hunter cough.

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yep" I responded not really feeling like dealing with his mood swings

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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